Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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st a OLDEST MANGIN AMERICA fl HAD LOVE A 4 BERTHA CLAY difficult task her prevailing carriage I will pot have you Mr and are the unhappy wife of though full of fight fo but the woodpecker you he said hie SHE WAS IMMUNE neither reason ribr from her PLANT HUNTERS IN EGYPT I Did they Dey what can it matter? HER HUSBAND (ffirALpeuB JOHNM YTHC0 frjth Ur NO EXCUSE OR NOT BEING A MUSICIAN SQUIRREL WOODPECKER 4 i EDUCATE YOUR BOWELS my ft ft enftv 5Q WIS PUB UNION vR 1 1ft gg lOlojcxo! PViWlogueJ Mrl5AW EYEWATER ccc she murmured Chandos what have inally it decided to so it ducked its head Peruna not the one the you some he whis 1 he liver mid idn Trice 25 and50e' An Italian editor wounded a deputy in a duel due to a newspaper article 1 must reason countess grandly sightps almost entirely re stored by an opferation IftA ftftft J' ro16b WEST MADISON ST 9CHICAGO re in this Lanswell loved it wis her 25 60 SO 60 70 76 YS 75 Rn best qualioo 1DU I 150 200 200250 250500 now main ooms and ft reft su tn ah oRuMim pbu so ru wniL Collectors rom the ime of Rameses to Present Day introduced ana nrieea to con collecting in a six rond go at CURLS WHERE Ail ELSE AILS Best Cough Syrup Taates Good Use in time Sold by droggtets Venezuela1 revolutionists captured Maracaibo after a battle lasting sixteen hours COUCH SYRUP Cures Croup and Whoopina Couah Unexcelled for Consumptives Gives quick sure results xei use substitutes' ZJr Bult PiHicurc Bihausnets Trialt 20 forc THOUSANDS PREMATURE DEATHS CAUSED BYpNEGLECT ft i ORANGE contains sdrerttsemeQte of many refit ed rd wealthy people wiahiog to marry heed afan for copy box 1357 City $325 Onr for this high Every Person Can Prolong Life and Enjoy Health and Happiness Who Will Listen to the Voice of Progress still on she an I have thrown anything I lose John Blair of Elaitstown Ja millionaire muny timesjover am onei of the oldest railroaflfi builders andl owners? in the countryied Saturday i to Pj SQ'S CU OR tragedy of her sorrow Lady Marion smiled "Reason him? You as well stand before a hard! white rock and ask roses to blorimj on it you migh as well stand before the great heaving ocean and ask tts tide not to roll in as to try to reason with him I do not understand it but I am quite sure that he is infatuated by Madame Vanira I could almost fancy that she had worked some spelli over him Why should he care fon her? Why should he visit her? Why should he go to Berlin because she is there?" The countess listening thanked pea ve that she did not know If ever 3 ihe members of the (Peruvian cabi net have resigned iKS thousand over good and it up for risk your fair name the name of your race your position and everything else that you ought to hold most dear? Do you think it worth whie to risk alii this for the sake of spending three months in Berlin where you c'an see Madame Vanira every To be continued wn hlaAa Butcher Knife "Keen Kutter" 8 ln blade Shear Kutter" 8 lnoh Nut Set Ciacker and 8 Picks eUver jnaivu Ball "AfwnriaHnn 16 Alarm Cloclr nlrknl 17 Str Genuine Rogers' Teaspoons beat I'WIO1 1 IJUUUB 18 Watch nickel stem wind and set 12 Carvers good steel buckhorn a handle 20 Hix Genuine Kogers' Table Spoons piatwi KVLKia 21 Six each Knives and orks buck born handles 22 Six each Genuine Kogers Knives and orks best plated goods The English language reminds of some of these typewriters and game of It looks mighty sim ple but the further you go along the more complicated and swear provok ing it is We have all heard of the man who told his sweetheart that before marrying her he must confess that he was a somnambulist mind said the dear 'sweet girl are Presuyterians ourselves but are not a bit Shortly before the death of Robert Ingersoll a little party was discussing the man and his wife in a private par lor inally after much talk a rigid church member exclaimed: this wave of doubt sweeping over the country a dreadful thing? Do you not shrink from the attacks of this hor rible 7 replied a gentle little woman have been exposed to every thing and never took a disease in my life No indeed I would not be a bit afraid of it if it broke out Louisville Times knowledge of Latin needs revision Its idea of a moaus vivendl is for the other side to' surrender its coast line and everything else involved St Louis Globe Democrat tuk two gals down street last'night to git some ice said George Washington Snowball "but wheri Igot down I had a fit of heart was the trouble? ask for a second eVen git de first was the reason?" Did you discover that you had left your money at sah' dat what was de matter at all We went down street happy as you please one gal on each arm you know when we got in sight ob de ice cream I read dat sign I fought I should drap I did the sign said cream $125 per I had two gals you know besides maw self I no pocket lull of money Say fiink'dat one ob dem trust ses has got hold' ob ice cream busl Bazar ok at Vnura olf I covered with pimples? Your skin rough and blotchy? your liver! Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure constipation biliousness and dyspepsia 25c All druggists it was the most life On the same evening when that con versation' took place Lord Chandos went the opera jwhere Leone was playing Anne Boleyn "He waited un til she cams out and was seated in her carriage thdn he stood for a few moments leaning over the door and talkingjto her "How you tremble decrease in German revenues adds to the chances and against the naval bill A woman judges a usefulness in the world by the skill with which he puts down carpets Washington Democrat a What a woman really thinks of her husband is generally about half'as nice as what he thinks otherpeople must think of him Berlin Herald When a woman bosses (her husband he is a weak man and does not enjoy the respect of anybody riot even the wife who does the Astoria Argus When a wife is away from home she' reads her letters through carefully to find something upon which suspicion may Atchison Globe It sems more than probable that the woman who threw out two burglars who entered her room at night thought she was greeting her belated husband New York Telegram As for that matter? women change too It is only a few years ago since Mrs Dubbleknot would have almost gone soft the handle upon the appear of her darling Charley Now when he is heard fumbling rur tire keyhole she merely remarks: only my Bos ton Transcript at Cairo as well asMuseum and at Kew Coming down to modern times voyages such and Raleigh doubtless brought'home the useful if not ornamental seeds and roots from foreign' tobacco and above all the potato among number Even our Kentish cherry yards and orchards Owed their early beginnings to trees brought over from the continent by Harris and other of the royal gardners at Hampton court so late as the time of Henry VIII Then we know that Tradescant fetched choice fruit trees from rance to Hatfield where records of his costs and expenses in 'so doing are still preserved In the present century birth of the modern plant collecting be gan with merchants and travel ers as Reeves Parks ortune and others in China the last two having been sent out as collectors by the Hor ticural Society Messrs Veitch Son then of Exeter also sent out the brothers Thomas and William Lobb the first named being especially suc cessful Then men like Linden Hart weg Gardner Wien and Roezi sent home the erfeam of the orchids and On the walls of a'roonrvin the great Temple of Karnac at Thebes thpre are perhaps the earliest of pldnts existing in the world today A series of exquisite carvings or sculp tures adorn the wriils and these are representatiQns of foreign plants col lected and brought home by Thothmes III on his triumphant return from a campaign in Arabia These sculptured records show not only in the natural aspect of plant or tree but leaves and flowers fruits or seed pots are shown separately as in our modern botanical works of today linders Petrie the well known Egyptian explorer and archaeologist has I taken casts photographs of these records and some of these may be seen in the museum at Cairo in the British Museum and else where These pictures' for some wpre colored originally must not be confounded With the 'actual dried specimens of Egyptian garden and wild plants that have been found pre served in the mummy wrappings of Ahnes I Rameses II and other great men and in the gloves discovered at Dalschur Sahkara and Diemel Bahara These actual flower consisted' of blue and white lotus poppies narcissus £ragses palms clover barley jupiter and other plants which grew and flour ished at least 2000 I years before our Savior was born atf Bethlehem! Sam ples of! these actual flowers as used in the funeral wreaths of Egypt 4000 years ago may be seen in the museum in the British a comparatively aj5Drake Mm Sootuina SYRurfor children jeetliiiii softi us tliu guinsl reduces inflainma lion nlluys pain cures wiiidrcolio 25c a bottle 83 Clock 8 day Calendar Thermom eter Barometer sec Gun case leather no better made 600 revolver automatic double action 26 Tool Set not playthings but real 27 mother that is quite true Apropos of what do'you say am afraid the sin of your man hood will be greater than the follies of your she feaid is just he replied In differently i I have heard that you have been mentioned for the Vacant Garter and that it is highly probable you may re ceive have heard he answered in differently I i want to ask you a straightforward question Do you triink it worth your while to risk that to risk the love and happiness of your wife to risk ttEAR'TOin "REE! for a 2 cent stamp: urniture HarneMM: a4Rngea Agricultural Carriage Drugs and Pataa Musi cel Instruments' Organs and Sew ntachinea I Bicycles Guns and Ki'orting G(XMl Ladiee and Gents' urnishinff GocmYr agTton arryrai at your depot Goods Beady made Clothing for Men andHhegttbaixaiDseyer offered Boots and Shor IdieZCapesand Cb'ake xkes tuel than asmaljne for heat Sand 15 cts andar Large until? Cataloru cont! i ng vcir iuvvw nnu uvprunt nunapo Qt What Do the Children Drln'? 1 llonlt giv vithoin tea Have yon tiie il ihe linw food Jdrink called 1 RA I 1 1 is dehvinna and nourish I ing and takes the pine af coffee The more Grain yon give jthe elnldreu the I more health you di tribute through their: fystems Grain ix made of pure grai its and: when properly 4 prepared tastes like the choice 5 grades of i offee but stabout I i ns mncit All grocers sell it 15a and rr An Account of a Woodland Rencontre Between TKem 1 CA well known sportsman toff Minn eapolis writes the Tollowing account of an adventure in the squirrel timber which cannot fail to interest those fa miliar with the habits of Jhe bushy tailed varmint that furnishs such fine sport in October I was sitting with my bick against a log in the deep woods one October morning watching for two squirrels that were hiding in the top of a great walnut tree One of the squirrels I had shot at and missed whereupon it scampered up the tree in question fol lowed by another' one of its kind to the topmost branches' patient ex amination of all the limbs failed todisclose to my eyes so an ear so I sat down to wait until the game moved1 A half hour passed by which time every knot and bunch of leaves had be come familiar me There was a very large limb that extended out from the tree in a horizontal! direction 'for ten feet' then bent upward gradually On its under side there was a hole as a gray squirrel might fancy Pres ently a sauey woodpecker rescuttled the limb in 'search of food Instantly my full attention was directed to it in the hope that its actions might betray to me the location of the two: hidden squirrels Down came the woodpecker after the DtSWIHl Illi RtERAhmn nla 52 Revolver Colt's steel 1 33 Rifle Colt's 16 shot S3 caliber Guitar (Washburn) rosewood in laid 1 A Mandolin very i' 88 Winchester Repeating Shot Gun 12 gauge sow) 87 Remington double barrel ham mer Shot Gun 10 or 13 gauge 3000 88 Bicycle standard make ladles or Rents 2500 33 Shot Gun Remington double bar rel hammerless 3000 40 Regina Music Box ISM inch Disc 5000 Acts gently on the KlDNEYSLlVEft and Bowels EAN5E5 THETSySTEM EECTUALLY Tex years having been born in 1788 ardent friend to Peruna and 'speaks of It In the following terms: my tong life 1 have known a great many remedies for coughs colds catarrh and diarrhoea always supposed these affections to different diseases but I have learned Dr Hartman's books that these affections are the same called catarrh for remedy I have found it to be the best if only remedy for these affectious has been my stand by for many year and I attribute my good health and my extreme age to this remedy it exactly meets all my requirements have come' to rely upon it almost en tirely for the many Jitjtle things for which I need medicine I believe it to be espe cially valuable to old 1 1 ISAAC BROCK Catarrh is the of old age A person entirely free Ifrom eatarrhiis sure to live to a hale and hehrty 61d age A free book on catarrh sent' by The Peruna Medi cine Co Columbus Oi Lady Marion is between Isaac Brock the Oldest Man in the United States Mr Isaac Brock of McLennan County has attained the great age of 111 He is an dr Catarrh Cannot be Cured 1 1 with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot 55 reach the seat of tne disease (Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies Cat arrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Catarrh Cure is not a quick modiciuei It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription It i com posed of the best tonics kubwn combined with ths best blood purifiers acting directly on the mucous surfaces The perfect combination ot U4Q LWU LUUit'UlOUWI AO'nuab JAUUUVQ5 SULU dSrful results in curing Catarrh Send for to timonials free i JCHENEYACOPropsToledG Sold by Druggists pries 75c 11 all's amily Pius are the bast 83 or 38 caliber 600 I tools $50 Toilet Set decorated porcelainery handsome 800 Remington Rifle NoL4 22 or 82 cal 00 Watch sterling silver full jeweled 1000 Dress Suit Case leather handsome and durable iqoo ig Machine first class with taohments 1500 blued 1500 1500 20002000 ren that she did not that secret became known it was al over with the house Lanswell have said all that I jan she in great agitation use lie is utterly IT TAOS 1 Match Box 25 3 Kn fe one blade good steel 25 8 Scissors 4)4 inches 25 4 Set Knife ork and Spoon 25 kv cniii bug cppQi Dm one tjacn auaci ruple plate on white metal 6 I reach Briar Wood Pipe 7 Razor hollow ground fine English steel 8 Butter Knife triple plate best quality Sugar Shell triple plate beet qua! 10 Stamp Box sterling silver ii luiut! jxvtiii nmitjr 13 13 14 15 DAU11 The John Rmythj Co Have No well merited popularity of OVERCOME! buy the genuine Maht ey (2uivrniaJTgSyrvp(s neck feathers ruf iu Its eye No soon I than a Living sauln fel darted out of the hole and pounced On it both finally alighting on a lower limb jrhen followed a game of hide and seqkj with the woodpecker forcing th flgfit Up arid down round and rotnd the llmbpjand back and forth from one to the other they went Sometimes the flying squirrel evi dently jdazed bj the wouldtirn arid pursue its enemy blindly anij then the (bird would hesitate wbereripon the spuirrel finally made a dash and gained the dark interior of its former pla'ce of refuge How i this interesting encounter may have terminated it Is impossible to say for at that moment I saw one of my squirrels peplng over the fork of another branch and the shot I fired at it broke up the little game which I had been fortunate enough to witness Lady Marion shall Duke of Lester He justice is done to dearest Marion tbeijt is the very thing you mifist not do Ifi you appeal to the duke it becomes ad once a seri ous quarrel i and who shkll how such a quarrel may If you ap peal to the duke the whole thing will be known throughout therlnd there is an end to all my hopes 'rf the vacant Garter In fact may sayjjthere is an end to the race of Lanswell Thinlc twice before ypu take such an import ant cne thinks for me I cried Lady Marion I I think of you arid for you Give me your promise tha for a week al least you will say to the Duke of Lester Will youi promise me 'CANADIAN EXCURSIONS VIA WABASH LINE it 0i Dye 14 15 1C and 17 the Wabah will Bell bolKiny exetirtion tickets from Chicagoto CanadiHii points at one lowest first class fare for the round trip The tickets' will be good returning uiitil Jan 6 1900 Wagner sleeper palncc day Coaches and freq reciln iiDff Chair Cars Write for maps tiirre cards rates and full information A Palmer A 'A Wabash Ticket Office 97 Adams Bt CiiKiago I i i i Students at the Paris law school re fused jo study and shouted Rah'1 AvwA 1 VMAM uvr WWW Stop UAttrVUa Ab has the fall awing and the air ia catchy and equal to Send 10 cents in money or stamps to George voliaston Allen Building Cincinnati Ohio ft Cures Colds Coughs Sore Throat Croup In nuenzaWhooplngCough Bronchitis and Asthma A certain cure for Consumption in first stagesand a sure relief in advanced stages Use at Xou the excellent effect after taking the first dose Sold by dealers Where Large bottles 25 cents and 60 cents listed at lowest wholesale prices a to eat wear and use is fumisS On receiDL of oniv lOC tn nartlv naiz postage or expressage and as evidence of good faith the 109 is allowed on first 9 bmanMinA 4 a dtlOa a wwwue win viisu rr CawWVV Hl QUA MONTHLY 6RQCERY PRICE LIST REEjfl 2 Lane's amily Medicines Moves tlio bowels Itiaeh day In order to be healthy this Is naci ssiiry Acts ircntly on i i iiia Aiiif fi a ri a1 sa 't VMt U) I MW UilLUV balsam THE i '1 a A 56 pIccc china ten set free to ladles for selling teas mid copees Ten stores in Mli iwiiukee (for twenty years Reference any ffiniik licre Write for particulars to Dlck sofi Co 'Milwaukee Wis i ii i state bank has virtually abandoned the gold standard other rare plants of Sfith America and Dr Hooker and Dr Thomson in troduced many orchids Lillium rhododendrons' etc from northern and were pi queers in the good work done afterward by Parish Ben son Boxall Berkeley and many others of recent years 7 Just at the present time plant col lecting! so far as nurserymen generally are concerned is riaainly limited to orchids of which enormous cargoes are now and then secured from both the eastern and western tropics Of these the cattleyas and odontoglossums of the west and the phalaenopsls "den drobes vandas and cynripedes of the east seem at present the most market able in large quantities from which fact we may observe that slants like other things have their vogue or fashion and collectors like all other carterers for the lublic must study the law of supply arid demand the markets as represented ly by the London auction the larger nursery gardens iverywhere Now and then a fine new cr very rare species is discovered ana and then competition ensue: run high When we com sider the actual pursuit of itself we get so to speak enchant ed that is of course if one is born a collector or plant hunter for above everything a good collector is so far like the poqts are said be I born and not made Of course if a man has the true blood In him and also acquires experience in the best new and rare plant nurseries and botanical gardens then you expect good even it iToTTlfe best re sults Above all a collector must be a man of many parts! he must like the proverbial cat always drop on his feet and nothing must daunt or deter his ardor he must be as persistent as abloodhound on the trail Amateur Gardening Send your name address on a postal and we will send you our 1 56 page illustrated catalogue free WIMCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO Winchester Avenue Kew Haven Conn 26c SAMPLE BOTTLE IOo OR NEXT THIRTY JAYS SSfJK" RHEUMATISM How Long Haye Yon Head About Without Taking Them? Do you not think you have wasted precious time and suffered enough? If so then try the and be promptly and permanently cured of your afflictions Drops" Is a speedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism NliralO'la I a I name fwauiicy lyiacascs ASinuia Hay ever Dyspepsia Catarrh of all kinds Bronchitis La Grippe cuuuuc (ueivous or neuralgic neart weakness Dropsy fcarache Spasmodic and Catarrhal Croup Toothache Nervousness Sleeplessness Nlimhnact Materia VIhzImzI tiff a 7 etewaaaa ev M4OVGJLO UXGUpa HO3 LU1CQ LTRAOE MARKJ more people during the past four years of the above named diseases than Oil fl a 7 a i nuvn tutu hi L43C ui lyiicuiiiaiisni is curing ulOrr inan all the doctors patent medicines electric belts and batteriescombinedforthey cannot cure Chronic Rheumatism Therefore waste no more valuable time and money but try and be promptly CURED Drops" is not only the best medicine but it is the cheapest foraJlOO bottle contains 300 doses Price per bottle yi00 prepaid by mail or express or 6 bottles for $5 00 or the next 30 days we will send a 25c sample REE to anyone sending 10 cents to pay for the mailing Agents wanted Write to day SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO (60 164 LKE ST CHICAGO Attend the ikosh Col lege and chooiofShort hand and Typewriting 1 I BEST In! EVERYTHING! Business Practice in Book keeping and Shorthand from start to finish ri Educates practically and supplies busi hopses with competent atoifitants JI Established Sept i 1867: No Vacations if or Catalogue rid dress Daggett I Oshkosh Wig DYE Vhiskers PWOOtrB 04 Hatt A Co NaUMVA Cut out thlj and aend it to with 50c and wewiu forward thia elegant high grade genuine Stradxvanus model violin IX 4 8RJct to your approval ion have the privilege of thorough examination at the express i office if perfectly satisfied pay the agent the balance together with return a charges and you get the bargain of a life time or if you remit cash in full with order a A you save return charges and we guarantee to refund money if you say so This violin is an A exact copy pt the genuine Stradivarius model violin is of an elegant reddish brown color has solid ebony trimmings the tone is ex cellen being much finer than produced by many higher priced instruments We fur I9 Tloim strung up and with an extra set of fine steel strings a good high grade DflW A CA1TA fli WTM2 7 TV A A a a 7 AM3V41 ULtVI ttU with said the anu despite Uielas I did when you were a bo Million of Acres Of Choice Agricultural ii Lands now opened fejr settlement in Western 'i' Cnuqdn Ilerois Rrqwn the celebrated No 1 Hard is heat winch brings the lugke price in the mar kets of the worcl Thou i finnrla rif riittl nrn tned for market without being' fed grain and a day's shelter bund for information and secure a free home In Vsrern nCunnda Write to Pedley Supt Irnrni rafion ptuwa Canada or the undersigned who will mail you atlases pam V' phletfl etc free cost il rouuhton 123 jnonaanocK iiiug vnirHg) iii uume Stevens Point Wis Agts for Gov't of CanadA i maner of Its kind but ani short then flew up and alighted further down the limb At tie sme time thepe was a flash of gray near the hole in the limb and some Creature disappeared within li raS before noticed any ruffling' PP oUie feathers on a asan indication of anger orhat nbt but this one either startled or angry for its neck feathers resembled those of mischievous little camp robbers of the west But matter what its feelings were the woodpecker sidled up to the hole and peeked with itfe head co*cked first to one side then to fhat It Is (justomary Iwith all good wood pefkersj like polibemen to rattle for assistance when they believe they have corraled a bigger bargain but this one diil nothing of the sort as it seemed dubious as to whether its game was reany cornered take a look inside and crept in very gingerly and very sloJvly a moment of silence followed then al at once a bunch of feathers was literally flredj out of the hole much after the fashion! of a young hurried jexit from a be father in door It was the woodpecker Lt tound its wings after a' headlong tumble iofsevera feet perched on a near by branch and glared across at the in the litab seemingly unde cided what to do pl was puzzled to know what was in tnat noiiow nmo soon settled all doubta by flying across to tne hole with up Sand blood er had alighte THE ABOVE OER EXPIRCS NOVEMBER 30th 1900' Soecial lotico I 8tr with no smiri 'lQPr S'P BO Oood for presents but will pnicl fov in PASH on th Ixsib of twoniv cents nor hundred If received by ns on or before March 1300 twenty cents por IW BKAff IN MINO that a worth I STAR PLUG TOBACCO will law longer ud afford more pleasure than a worth of any1 other bl AKE THS TESTU Send tags to CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO St Louis Mo bm fc I Iff WrMRCTPK? 9 society and If you want to open a door you don't smash it with a crowbar but open it with a key i It easier and less destructive When yon arp costive or bilious or con stipated don take an old time dose of phystc throw your bowels into spasms and turn your liver inside out as long as every thing eiin be set right in a nice gentle Way Cascat that Instead of trying to force your disordered organs to do their duty Educate Your Bow el8 and make tbeni act naturally by using cacarets Candy L'athSrHe so pleasant to the taste so mildt so effective: Tb are guaranteed to cure any case of constipation or money refunded1 I wusupduunKBuyHan1 rv to dav what j11 we do that proves their merit AH druggists 10C 25e 50c or by mail for price? Send for bookior and free sample Address Sterling Montreal Can or Yor rhft OAQG I hLrery tabled of the onlv genuine 8 Jais the magic letters I CC Look at the tablet before you buy and beware of frauds imitations and 1 ft? irl Continued she replied "I will share your heart with no one Unless I have all I will have none I will not go to Ber lin and you must give up Madame Va she continued "Lance you can not hesitate you must see your duty a married man wants no woman friend but his wife Xny should you spend long hours and whole days tete a tete with a stranger? Qf what can you find to speak? You know In your heart that you are wrong! You say no Now in the name of common sense and fair ness let me ask would you like me to make of any man you know such a friend as you hayd made of Madame 4 is quite andther he re plied i Lady Chandos laughed sadly The usual refuge of a man when he Is brought to bay she said "No words no arguments will be of any use to me I shall never be really friends with you until' you give up Madame Va nira" i "Then we will remain he replied will never give up a true friend for the caprice of any he replied though that woman be my "Neitlxer will I consent to go to Ber she answered gravely I must go he said will not be governed by caprices that have in them cried war to the knife "War if yiu said Lord Chan dos "but always remember you can put an' end to the warfare when you i "I shall appeal to Lady Lanswell and to the 4 Duke off said Lady Marlon and her husband merely an swered with a bow i With them it was1 indeed "war to the Such was the Gordian knot that Lady Lanswell had to untie and my my own identity for piany hours I she continued I did not so thor oughly enter those characters I hardly realize thls moment whether am Anne Boleyn the unhappy wife of bluff King Hal or whether I am Leone the "I know which eyes seeking hers with a wistful look1 "All King wives put together are not worth your little finger Leone See how the stars are shining I have somethingto say to you May I drive with you as far as Highgate The beautiful face all pale with pas sion looked into! his Is against our she said "but you may if you The silent stars looked down in pity as hetook his pjace' by her side he said want to ask you something A crisis is come in our lives My wife who was told about that day on the ifiver has asked me to give up your A low cry camd from the beautiful lips and the face of the fairest woman In England grew deadly pale To give me you Lord you said said a Leone friendship is a pure one I would not give any caprice in tlie A great tearless sob came "God bless yoiji a thousand she said yqu would not give me up and you told them "Yes refuseid to do i anything 1 of the he replied should I Leone? They parted us once by strata gem by intrigud by working on all that was weakest in my character Now we are but friends simply hon est friends Who shall part She clasped his hand for an instant in her own I you will not give me up again she said1 I will di first Leone There is one thing more I have to say 'I said that I woulijl go to Berlin and 1 have asked my wife to go'withme she has refused (and I have said that I would go alone Tell me what you I I V'l I thnk nothing perhaps Heaven hlp perhaps as your wife has told you she will not go' with you your duty is to etay with! taU I duty" he repeated "who shall say what a duty is? Do von think I have no duty toward first thought should be must be your wife If she would have countenanced ouri friendship it would have been our greatest pride and pleas ure i If she opposes it we must yield She has the first! right to your time After all Lance' We shall have tq part What can it matter whether it is now or in three months tozcome? The more we see of each other the harder it will A flush aspf firje came over his face must we cried Heaven what a price I pay for my Is Highgate said Leoiie go no further Lord Onlys the silen stars were looking on he stood for an instant at the car riage door I go to he whisper edas he left her1 and her answer was A low sad: ft i CHAPTER LVI The Countess of' Lanswell was in despair Any little difficulty the exposing of an adventuress the setting aside of a marriage intrigues or a royal invitation peo ple when It whs convenient to do so and courting them when she required them to all and each of these deeds she was quite equril but a serious case of jealousy heart broken des olate wife on the pne hand an obstin ate husband on the other was past her power of management Lady Chandos had written to ask her to come to Stoneland House that day have something of the greatest Importance to she wrote not delay tomorrow'may be too late Ladjt Lanswell received this urgent note just as she wjs sipping her choco late luxuriously ifobed i in a dressing suwu ol suk and softest Velvet a pretty morning cap of1 finest Mechlin lace on her head Her handsome haughty face grew pale as she read it It is a wretched piece business from beginning to she said to herself "Now here is my peace of mind for the day gone I was to seen Madame Adelaide soon after noon about my dresses! and the dentist at three know 'absolutely nothing which I can say to a jealous I know nothing of jealousy Most of the wives whom I know are pleased rather than otherwise wjhen their husbands away rrom home Marion takes things too seriously I shall tell her i But any little speech of that kind she might have tried Jfosmake was forgot ten when she caught thte first glimpse of Lady white tragic face dear child what is the matter? What a face! Why you have been crying for hours I am said the countess "Marion you should not gd! on in this way you will kill Lanswell JI wish that were dead My husband has teased to love me Oh God let me die!" cried poor Marion and the countess was seriously alarmed "My dear child pray be shecried can you say that Lance has ceased to love you?" is truesaid the Unhappy wife He refused to give up Madame Vanton and what seems to me more areadful still Sheris going to Berlin in sists on going also! I cannot bear itLady TTTzx a J' 2 I Vp Aew Pass in Bocky Mountains After! Uuniei ouii hairbreadth escapes a 'party exploreralirthe Rocky Mountains stumbled into new pass In a llke lnan people who believed dyspepsia incur Able nieiastonlshe4 th find that Hostetter's Homaeli Bitters ufsed faithfully will make liie: digestion slronig the bowels regular the Ilwer active Try it ft Emperor eldest son is re poited to be betrothed to Queen Wil helmina well merited popularity of the great mail order establishment of the John Smyth Co of Chicago seems to have induced unscrupulous parties to go through the country and falsely represent themselves as sales agents for this house By thus representing themselves they have succeeded tin imposing upon many by selling good's aud taking cash audV notes from victims who Actually believed they were purchasing goods from the representatives of the iil'm direct The John Smyth Co havp no agents and i denounce as frauds all parties traveling through the country nudfclaiming to rep resent the firm The public should be ou 'i i the lookout for 'such iriipiostors SflE QTA your I AoL tags ft 4 tirf tags (showing small stars printed on Ander side of tag) Good Cross and Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in securing presents mentioned below and may be assorted Every man woman and child can find something on 1 the' list that they would like to have and can have Tells How He Escaped the Ter rors of Many Winters by Using Peruna sent seven sons and 5Q: grandsons into the boer army to fight the English in addition to taking thejfleld himself ft 1 ft ft 'ft ft Coughing Leads to Consumption! i IJitlsiun will stop thu rough at oueg to your druggilt to day mid' get a sample bolthi free 8 ildjlu 25 null ceut bpltlesi Gi at once delays uro dangerous CATARRH CURE I 'OK CATARRH Cream Balm and pleasant to twe Contains1 Jurlons drug absorbed Belief at once Onpna an) head Membrane Restores tha Taste and Smell Large Size 50 cents at Trial Size 10 cents by mail BMf BEOTHBItd 50 Warren Street New York I The ad of Supply House in another part of this pnper should be of interest to everyone desiring bargains in household goods Get their complete cata logpie of ever yt bing need before makitig purchases II At Santiago da Chili a tidaP wave" caused considerable damage on the coast i 1 A I I I j' Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tine money if it fails to cure 25c signature is on each box 'L: I I i1 The transport sailed from Manila with eight companies of the 49th infantry Cure for Consumption is an espe pecially good medicine for Croup Mrs Mt Aveut Jonesboro Texas May 9th 1891 Cecil Rhodes Is making an enormous'profit bn his diamonds because of thqboer war 1 Charles Dressel deputy United States i revenue 'collector committed siMcide( in Lesuer Minn "How you tremble he said face is white and your eyes all "The spell is swered "When whole soul into continued rising it is of no I woman! say such things of my son He may like and admire Madame Vanira but I trust him and would tqust tyim anyr where You think too mtch of it and you make more of it than ybu need Let me pray of you toi be prudent Wajit of prudence in a wjfe at such a juncture as this has very often occa sioned misery for life Are you quite sure that you (Jbe generous entJugh to allow your husband the pleasure of this friendship which I can certify is a good The countess sighed The matter was indeed beyond her In Jier artificial life these bare honest hujnan passions had no place the journey to she said are making too much of i If heenjoys likes Berlin where is thdi harm of hi enjoying them So she spoke but she shrunk from The cleay gaze of those blhe eyes Lanswell you iiow all that is nonsense My husbiind is mine and I will not share his live or his at tention with any one Unless he gives up Mddame Vanira I shall leave him If he goes to Berlin I wall never see him 1 are very foolish! my dear 1 heard 4 yesterday on very good authority that my son Lord Chandos twill be offered the vacanqGarter I be lieve it is true I feel sqre of it ftt would for the world anything should happen now any! disgrace of any kind and these 1 matrimonial quarrejs re disgraceful Marion You should trusl your have done so but he roes not love me Lady Lanswell My mind is quite made up If he goes to Berlin I shall never see or speak td him my dearest cried the countess is terrible jJThink of ap pearances think of the Jworld what will the world say? An yours was supposed to be a love match It must not Have you not sense to see that such a course of proceeding would be simply to throw him into Madame hands? You will be your own worst enemy if you do shall do what my own 'heart she said natter what the world says 1 care nothing for the opinion OhjLady Lans well do not look so angfy at me am miserable my heart fe And the unhappy girl kpelt at Lady feet and laid II her head on the silken folds of her dress XU ii Lucre was une creaU wuriu wuom naay more than another Wife the fair gentle girl Who had been a most loving daughter She could not endure the sight of hjer pain and distress' have made up my sobbed appeal to the will see? that a Llio MHcri i '1 adTMitage of our oostrtce trnRCMu2ScR3Wt te Others have advanced their wear MEa ynuw tli model Violin that retailers ask $500 and up ward for No ri teacher necessary as we fumhh a fine book of tnstracHnnc frr a caxa or resin a nne all 4i mscrocuqns nee complete in a heavy marbleized pasteboard ft ft box Our 'prime reason for selling this out we want to Stat better acquainted in your neighborhood Ond special a price complete 9 that i said Lady Chandlos wearily you that but riot 1 one day longer than a week My heart is break ing! cannot bear promise you that in ja days there shall be an end qf all your the countesp who had secretly made her own resolves Marion put your trust' ii me You havehad no breakfast thisj morning I am ft Raising the dedicate figpre dn her aixub me countess Kissea tne weeping face in she repeated will be well Let sea you take some i 'I The countess rang and ordered cdf fee Then when she haq compelled Lady Marion to drink it she kissed her again I you know how it will she said gently this crying and fast ing and sorrow? You willlmake your self ill and then Lance will never for give himself Do be reasonable Marion and leave it all with But after the countess hkd left her Lady Marion still felt very ill she had never felt so ilL She trier! tnwalk from her dressing room her bed room and to the great alrm of her maid she fell fainting to tte floor ft The doctor came the same 'physi cian ho had attended hert for some years Knee she was a and he looked rery grave when hp heard of the loffg deathlike swoon He sat talking to her for some Do you think I am ill she ITT I I THe answered: are not very wel Lady 1 1 ri you think I will of thi3 illness pleas he Now if you will pi omise me uuu to oe excitea i will tell! thing and bending down pered somethin in her A flood of light and rapture came in her face her eyes filled witk joy? I you mean it? Is it really she asked "Really true but remember all de pends on arid the went avyay leaving behind him a heart full of emotion of pleasure of pain hope and regret Meanwhile the coutness for the sec ond time had sought her Her stern grave face her angryjeyes the repressed pride 'and emotiori that he saw in every gesture told that the time for jesting evasion had passed 1 i said my lady sternly are a man now Jicannot command you 31" i i i The ChListmas Time of: theft Lake Shore Book of Trains is something entirely out of the ordinary in the way of railroad literature and will be found of interest to all Copy Will be sent to 'any address on receipt of 2 cent stamp Byron A Chicago Smith A Cleveland A 4" i Rev Kufzman of 'Pittsburg is the guest oLRey A Trabert in La Crosse ft He is the' ft superintendent of English home missions of the general council: of the Liitheran church and is on his annual tour of visitation Try Gtuinlo! fry Ornin ji Ask your Grocfer to day to show you a of GItiAIN the new food drink that takes the place of foffee (Children may di ihk it without injury Weill as the adult All who try it like itGRAU has that rich seal brown ofMocha or Java hut it is made from pure grains and the nost delicate stomach re ceives it without distress the price of coffee 15c and 125c per package Bold by all tfrocers 1 PAt Chicago Gus Ruhlin the Akron giant easily defpated Jack McCormack of' Philadelphia Rutylin scored clean knock downs In the first and third rounds I1 2 cgoXSoWB Durlnr KtAVAA tin fe enntiajt ft A wq Wltll en wa aan them JI rrefit at n4l 2427 and '2777 YOU woald be proud of either one of there parlor stove The plctnrea give but a faint idea of their elaaaace Sent on receipt ot sio von to Al rusy oaHLovv vm jvur iHuuoror XTiOS am a vriva lit VAire At VM oi vai Wlsara xwr lOOOagYtandoYeronehundredtUousan 8J4X12H 112 AOR TO CATALOGUE REE and price will be rent express paid ft 8UEY HOUSE MINNEAPOLIS MINN ''j "1 Xr 1 H1KM JVnr 1 ft ft' iL5 'p I xwgy 1 YJT Ml If 2 Jf i 'A ri ri 5 i it 'W ft rjt t(MAILORDERr Kousy gbtAiiy 2 sK Wilt? 'Ja 4 JEX A Xante Stove Nt Afc vJjSS 3 (SAT pRg 'S 11 'ft 4 4 I 1ft ri i U7 ri A 1 4 57 Ta 0 0 01010:0:0:0 WX £0:010:0 Ej.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.