URBANAMERICA LP II vs CARL WILLIAMS GROUP LLC et al, 600395/2008, 153 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Dec. 12, 2011) (2024)

INDEX NO. 600395/2008
` FILED' NEW YORK co ,TY c _-_v 1 many] . '
`RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/12/2011
`R~.C~.IV~.D NYSC.1.F. 12/12/2011
`NYSCEF ggfit NO. 153
`Edward Scott
`The key is we buy csc. We control everything
`Sent from my GoodLink synchronized handheld (www.qood.com)
`; efendant ' 5


`§ /
`o :
`Fr m
`Edward Scott
`Monday, August 27, 2007 6:53 PM
`'Carl S. Williams“
`FW: minutes of the Transaction mtg re Metroview Bridge Loan
`This is an internal e—mail so please do not forward it around_..but wanted you to see
`where we are = you are approved just need to get this paper and that meeting done lawyer
`circulate documents tonightr.trust me I pushed really hard for this
`—-———Original Message—————
`From: Hal Reiff
`Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 6:40 PM
`To: Edward Scott; Richmond McCoy
`Subject: RE: minutes of the Transaction mtg re Metroview Bridge Loan
`Ed and I are in agreement on the below as "minutes’.
`From: Edward Scott
`Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 6:24 PM
`To: Richmond McCoy; Hal Reiff
`Subject: minutes of the Transaction mtg re Metroview Bridge Loan
`Conference Call was held W/ RM, Hal and Marty.
`It was explained that the following clean—up items were being put in
`The pledge of the Parking Agmt
`to by the Seller of the land.
`The reference of the requirement to deliver a parking garage by
`Apr 08 would be deleted and ultimately replaced with delivery of an easem*nt agreement.
`An escrow agreement would be put
`in—place that would require
`issuance of the pay—off notice to Hudson and then (assuming 1&2 are
`to pay—off Hudson directly.
`(the option) would be consented
`4. Miscellaneous cleanup (UCCs, etc)
`Items that then will be subsequent delivery per the option (subsequent to the loan
`The easem*nt agreement
`A construction agreement for the structured garage
`Subdivision of Parcel E to allow for separate garage to be
`.zefeg‘llant "


`built for CSC
`Lender must consent, and ultimately CSC (as tenant) must
`Many of these would be omitted if the CSC building, under Contract by us and in due
`diligence is ultimately bought by the fund, however that will not occur prior to making
`this loan.
`Resolved: Before the bridge loan is funded items 1 thru 4 should be done and with respect
`to items a,b,c & d , we should have a face—to—face with the Seller and have them
`understand that we expect their continued good faith and cooperation that will be needed
`to get theses items timely done and we should leave the meeting with a feeling that that
`will in
`fact continue to be the case.


`Edward Scott
`Monday, August 27, 2007 2:39 PM
`RE: Metroview
`Is it the date for construction or the amount of value?....prior to the last amendment he
`was required to close in 7/07 so presumably that is why the statement says he would be
`building in 7/07 ...as the last amendment extended the time to close until Apr 08 this was
`not a focus.
`On price he has an appraisal for $79m for the 17 acre site and he extrapolated value an
`additional $10m for the 4 acre site which has the same entitlement envelope but was not
`-————Original Message—————
`From: Hal Reiff
`Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:31
`To: Edward Scott
`Subject: RE: Metroview
`To the last guy who asked.
`—————Original Message—————
`From: Edward Scott
`Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:26
`To: Hal Reiff
`Subject: RE: Metroview
`To who...this was not prepared for
`—————Original Message—-———
`From: Hal Reiff
`Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:25
`To: Edward Scott
`Subject: RE: Metroview
`So that means "he lied ?“
`————eOriginal Message—————
`From: Edward Scott
`Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:24
`To: Hal Reiff
`Subject: RE: Metroview
`————-Original Message—————
`From: Hal Reiff
`Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:23
`To: Edward Scott
`Subject: FW: Metroview
`It appears that his assets are listed as "90million appraised value” of land with ground
`breaking in 7/07 -would that be our land deal?
`—————Original Message—————
`From: Edward Scott
`Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:19
`To: Hal Reiff
`Subject: FW: Metroview
`Carl William's assets
`Gl UA006681


`——-——Original Message—————
`From: Garfield Antonio [mailto:Gantonio@comcast.net]
`Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 6:49 PM
`'Carl S. Williams'
`Cc: Edward Scott
`Subject: RE: Metroview
`Per Carl Williams
`Garfield Antonio
`-————Original Message—————
`From: Carl S. Williams [mailtoznanagroup@mac.com]
`Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 4:46 PM
`To: Garfield Antonio
`Subject: Metroview
`Please send 2 years tax returns and the current personal financial statement to Ed Scott
`via email ASAP...


`Nyasha Leaco*ck
`Tuesday, August 28, 2007 2:37 PM
`Hal Reifi
`Stephanie Calabrese; Olga Zakharchenko
`Urbanll Board of Managers Resolution Package - 080 Building
`2007—08-27_Urban | l_BoardofManagers Resolution Package_CSCbuilding . pdt
`Nyasha Leaco*ck
`Assistant Office Manager
`UrbanAmerica, L.P.
`30 Broad Street, 35th Floor
`New York, NY
`Tel 212—612—9096
`Fax 212—785—9419


`UrbanAmeriea, LP.
`Fund II Bo *
`From: Hal Reiff Date: August 21, 200
`CSC Building
`W’c are looking for your approval to acquire the portfolio (Computer Sciences Building “CSC”)
`described in the attached Supervisory Committee package, which was today approved by the
`Supervisory Committee.
`Enclosed you will find:
`0 A resolution “Action By Unanimous Written Consent...”
`— Exhibit A is the Supervisory Committee Meeting Package and the Supervisory
`Committee lVIeeting minutes
`0 A Federal Express envelope for returning of the signed resolution.
`W7e would appreciate your prompt action in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not
`hesitate to call me, and ifnot. please sign and return the resolution in the enclosed envelope as soon
`as possible.
`Thanks in advance for your assistance.
`Ml MW
`saga '
`Qg.’ Mull/e


`(The General Partner of
`The undersigned, being the Managers of UA Fund II, LLC, a Delaware
`limited liability company (the "Company"), which serves as the general partner of
`UrbanAmerica, LP. 11, a Delaware limited partnership (the "Pu—11d"), acting pursuant
`to Section 6.1 of the Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement (the " grating
`Agreement") of the Company, dated as of January 26, 2005, hereby consent to and
`take the following action, by this written consent, and direct that this written consent
`be delivered to the Company and filed with the minutes of the Board of Managers of
`the Company.
`RESOLVED, that the Managers do, and each of them hereby does,
`subject to the provisions set forth on the addendum hereto, consent to and approve the
`Fund entering into the transaction (the "Transaction") described on Exhibit A annexed
`hereto (the "Term Sheet") on and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in such
`Term Sheet, which the Supervisory Committee has previously reviewed and approved;
`and be it
`FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Transaction Committee of the
`Board of Managers of the Company be, and it hereby is, authorized and directed in the
`name and on behalf of the Board of Managers, the Company and the Fund, and in
`consultation with the Supervisory Committee and the officers of the Fund, to (a)
`approve the results of the due diligence investigation with respect to the Transaction,
`(b) confirm the satisfaction of any and all conditions to the Transaction set forth in the
`Term Sheet, (0) approve any amendments, modifications or supplements to the Term
`Sheet, provided that the Transaction Committee deliver, or directs the officers of the
`Fund to deliver, to the Board ofManagers an investment memorandum describing the
`results of the due diligence investigation relating to the Transaction, the satisfaction of
`the conditions to the Transaction and the nature of any amendments, modifications or
`supplements to the Term Sheet, which such investment memorandum shall have been
`unanimously approved by the Transaction Committee, and (d) determines the terms of
`any financing to be utilized in connection with the Transaction; and be it

`FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Managers of the Company and
`officers of the Fund be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed in the
`name and on behalf of the Company and the Fund to take all such further action, to
`cause to be prepared and filed all such documents, and to execute and deliver all
`instruments which they in their discretion deem necessary or appropriate to carry out
`the purposes and intent of the foregoing resolution; and the execution by such
`Managers of the Company and officers of the Fund of any such document or
`instrument or the doing by them of any act in connection with the foregoing resolution
`shall conclusively establish their authority therefore from the Company and the Fund
`and the approval and ratification by the Company or the Fund, as the case may be of
`the documents or instruments so executed, and the action so taken.


`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Managers of the
`Company, have executed this written consent as of the _ day of August, 2007.
`Len Coleman, Manager
`Wayne Curry, Manager
`Marty Edelman, Manager
`Steven Fisher, Manager
`Charles Haar, Manager
`Richmond McCoy, Manager
`Marc Morial, Manager
`Sharon Robinson, Manager
`John Utendahl, Manager
`Greg Williams, Manager
`(Please check the box next to the transaction to which you DO NOT consent).
`[_] CSC Building


`“Term Sheet”
`Supervisory Committee Package


`Supervisory Committee Meeting Package
`UrbanAmerica LP II
`Angth 20, 2007
`1. Meeting Information
`2. CSC Building
`a) Deal Information Sheet
`b) Financial Analysis Summary
`c) Financial Analysis — Partner Promote
`cl) Schedule of Prospective Cash Flow
`e) Schedule of Sources 8: Uses of Capital
`Individual Loan & Debt Service Summary
`g) Presentation Rent Roll & Current Term Tenant Summary
`h) Supporting Schedule —— Square Feet Expiring ~ (All Terms)
`3. Maps — Photos — Site Plan
`a) Portfolio Map
`b) Photos
`c) Site Plan : Floors 3-12
`4. Call—in instructions
`5. Distribution List
`6. Previous meeting minutes


`UrbanAmcrica, LP.
`Supervisory Committee Fund II (see Distribuu'on List), by hand
`From: Hal Reiff and Richmond McCoy
`Date: August 16, 2007
`Re: Meefing Monday, August 20‘h at 12:00pm
`There will be a call—in meeting as previously noted, at 12:00am on Monday, August 20Lb (call—in
`instructions enclosed). Our team will be present to cover the agenda.
`Approval of Limited Due Diligence on the following.
`0 Computer Sciences Corporation (“CSC”) Building
`Enclosed you will find the complete package on this project.
`Thank you.
`0 CSC Building book
`Call—in insttuCtions
`0 Disttibuu'on list
`Previous meeting minutes
`cc: Richmond McCoy
`Dave Monzella and balance of Acquisitions Team


`gropgrg Name and .\dlh't§_s_
`Deal Information Sheet
`Sit: Building
`490‘.) Hakim Read
`New Cnrroiflon, Man-land
`Pcrcmxmg: Lensed Day One
`Urbanflmsma Asset Category
`The CSC builfiiré ‘is a 12 5101*; this! A oflice Buildmg locmcd ii New Carmflro’m Maryiaod (Brim: Georges County). Ihrbwlding
`was a t'miM—to-mft fur i1‘< sole {mam} Cmnputer Sciences Coy-panda: They currently uc‘cupy' (0 ofE10 12 Room
`This 'acquiL-itipn will giv: us an opwymnhy to purchase A Class A .5111» building in 2 strong emu make; The healion (r? we.
`proneny is idEal hem; direpzly across :‘mm Ike New Can‘om-an Metro amicm. The'sminn is behmy “sad and serves lite 'D.(I Mono
`(Orange Line), MARC and Amtrak-1mm lines. The. pi’op’efix is-abjo 10%;“ his than 1:2 3 mile. from (h: Rome 501495 (US Heirwy?
`(Ranked .t‘ I63) that “as fuun'ded in_ 195-). ‘nmir dcbl i's c’ensidsscd inuzsmem gud'e by Ssamhud
`CSC is a fonnne 5w
`Pam‘s. dey's and Fiqzh, Their initial km terns expire; in September 2017. and (hay haw m9 5 year n_ on They were awarded a
`lfi-Yezn‘ cun‘lmx m 2002. osximflcd at $3 biliian. ('0 :evvnp rho Mama! Raw-nu: Sam‘ce’s computer swam; We sun
`7 bciievc than
`CSC wiil cxeraise chan- optiun "scram.- of {his Mariam-hip with mass and the dose pmxSmiLy as: the (.2m sf'lRS fim’ffiy (owns
`Hark-in: raw}. This xvi” be verified in-due diligence.
`[IA has engined-a Jam \I'enmra agrzemun mm the Carl Wilirams Gmup, LEI. :0” UR: CS}? Building and 1h: larger ?.!¢110\-icw
`d¢vzlapxzmm Mouovicw 55 a mixed me yro'ject wnsisu'ng of 2,460 maidwlial uni
`, $15,050 if of office, 260,009 :3 of retail and
`parking BMW-:3 To: approximame 7,500 cars Car! \Vilijams and his pmdzcessms bcgan the mien:ny and dcvclapzmnn hf me
`Msnuvixw sin in [990 and commend the prdimirwy yin: of subdivision in May 200).
`in 2004 (he Mmylmd Dcpmmcn} of
`’nnce Georges County Pinning Deymmcm and tin: Washing-m Metropolimn Area Transk Audwrixy funded and
`conmieted a study which ouzlined. : mphfi’msiw muggy (i: make the New 6,5470le area. m fits! may mqtcopoiitan cankr for
`Prince Gwrgt’s County, containing over- SJM) residmzio‘: units, 11,700,390 sf of piliuélruaii and 6-3 act-c: ohmic and 0pm Since :11
`cunmxled wifil'new sn’ccn‘. and emulation ntlmrk
`’Thgpm'ptrty currently has 2 floors of “can! sp‘ac‘c totaling 50,606 mute feat (13.38% of mz'pmpeny) which CSC as an marten 1r:
`lease. h‘ CSC does nc-t' :xmzs‘e mm option huh: and of their imual 14111:; (Svpl‘cmber 2012), me laudjeza has" the rig“ .w by»: Uzi:
`spam OM underwriting “mm this space le be kind a,S"S pat‘OnlIaLcd) +. 9mm tax + OPEN over a base year in Onlpber ‘v: -.
`We haw anon-«M S25 psi forkean «Momma and 65". leuing'wmmsnana. Our matey would be to :ry and 36: CSC tn lake :ho
`space or naguhslewigh them 10 Icicasc it m :13 cat-‘3'.
`Ems have indicated a mark“ rent sz323$3flps£ Du: underwriting assumes-2 markm zeal Of $28 pa? wzlh gr'ovdh of S .‘ ~
`'3 - ‘(tm 3 and 3% lhcmsficr, We have 3180 assume! dun CSC was its optiun as szs‘pu (weaned) + promtr. taxes, This.
`Yrs-1‘2, ..
`methoflolagy xvii! be cunfix'med in due diligence. We have also unliovwriuen A swam-m allowance fizr the CSC has-2.
`The property W33 buik In 2003 uni! appeal; Lu bl: in very good condition “I: have albachd $.30 psf annually fix twin-gamut
`reserves. Th2: \viH be confime ‘in éue (Mignon.
`_S_u ~=rvisow __ ..
`5 653’:
`‘5 2-5?!
`SI E7.S‘30.300
`. 7'
`sad}: os-alx-ve
`5:21;: 93 abcv;
`same as nbave
`This property is fouled in a mum-mic law] (nu:an 1mm and-in the New Carmllmn Transitbisn'ict Drvéiopmenl Film making it
`(Jigfiulc For T; F-l'manci n3.
`Comra’m excruch 2'!) Din?
`Tmomrfiun Rnllngglg
`Risks .9; {cl'itigafing [gum-5
`Wlwfly 0mm:
`kin: Venture
`Takeout Equély_
`Dwelapmcnl ,& Takéou: Equity
`Propel-13- Laue! urn-“m bdrm)
`All :n Casi oiAcqulsilioansf
`All in Casi of'Augmsiuon
`All In aqua,-
`Leveraged [RR Wynn hnki)
`que‘mmged {Zap {noifcosn ist 3 yams
`Cuzlkemgfiamd Leverage
`chcragcd Cash on Cash (Ema-Jug
`l:.~\11"h'qully kiwi: on ? yr'ay‘f, CapEx
`Urbuwimvn'ua in?! {a‘fJV}
`MI 51‘. Eguiiy
`lanruged TRR (7312: hold}
`First 3 years nah on cash
`moms (fad/musty)
`{RA Dgsignmlon
`Augug! 15, 20M
` m—w—_—_—__w
`CSC Supervisory Commiflee 0814307115 8118/2007 51:44 AM
`A9 ‘ o'vtd W‘
`[C59 a: CEO)
`App: awed by
`(V? or 5"?)


`...,«\hxnusz’iE viémaway—mu
` \IIIII.,\uvuuuuv.


`5.5% W
`34 1.54
`For he Yen's E11619
`P0151an610“ Revenue
`Bun Ranul Rev-nu-
`Absorption & Tumovu Vacancy
`Total Rainhmumml Raveml
`101319015111“! Ems; Rwrnue
`Gem Vacancy
`Ovulation Loss
`51151:“! Guns szme
`Tmal Operating menses
`Net Operating Income
`Leaning 1!- Cap‘ml Gosh
`Cup Rue
`Cash In Purchase Pn’u
`6.1111110 NOI
`Cash 10 11111131 Equky
`IRR - Unxovmged
`1 -VIII IRR - LIV-rigid
`1-Year IRR v Leveraged
`3-year 11m - Leveraged
`l-Vnr ma — Lmauad
`S~Yur [RR - Lonny-d
`1vY¢ar [RR - Lem-mt
`Pumaulliy Distrlhmian
`UA Put-rad 12mm
`CF remaining alt-r 12‘].
`UA Return (am-NV Prumnhl W514
`Pam-r P10111010
`Pricing Matrix
`Tl Reuvvu
`TIILC Payback
`You! Leasing 5 Caphnl CI)qu
`Cash Flow Before Debt Sen“:
`Debi Service
`Debt Coverage R0110
`7.91 [.517
`7llI71 3

`1 ,3! 1 .710
`l7“ ll|
`5 M3 75
`£8,521 .1135
`[39.1 72.749)
`£19.! 72.749)
`1 7.5%


`CSC Building
`4900 Harkins Road
`New Carmlron, MD
`Schedule Of Prospective Cash Flow
`in Inflated Dollars for Ihe Fuser Year Beginning 9/11‘2007
`Year 4
`Year 5
`Year 6
`Year 7
`Year 8
`: 8/14/07
`Time : 14:56
`Rem :AMA
`Page : 1
`Year 1
`Year 2
`Year 3
`59,900,907 510,298,737
`ggzq __,_ 13,139
`1,041 ,834
`183 856)
`186 670)
`189 561)
`(92 552)
`(95 627)
`(103 607)
`8 301,756 _ 3,589,289 _8.967,183
`9,162,679 “3,467,040
`11,436 230
`Property Type
`:ARGUS Ver, 13.0.0 (Build: 13000-A)
`2686 Supen'sory 13.14.07
`912, 109
`2,299 170
`8.0444107 _8,1§5,8£
`9,066 475
`5 943,254
`5 943.253
`2.004 260
`997 058
`2&5 566
`13 506
`2.128 713 ‘
`1,135 079
`For me Years Ending
`Potenfial Gross Revenue
`Base Rental Revenue
`Absorption E Turnover Vacancy
`Scheduled Base Rental Revenue
`Expense Rairmm'semant Revenue
`RE Tax
`M91 Fee
`Total Reirrbursemem Revenue
`Total Potential Gross Revenue
`General Vacancy
`Collection Loss
`Effedive Gross Revenue
`Operating Expenses
`RE Tax
`M91 Fee
`Coral Operating Expenses
`Debt Service
`Nel Operaflng Income
`Inlerest Paymems
`Principal Payment»
`Total Debt Service
`Leasing & Capital Oasis
`Tenant Improvements
`Leasing Commissions
`TlILC Reserve
`Total Leasing 81 Capital Costs
`Cash Flow After Debt Sewice
`But Before Taxes
`Revenue/Expense Notes
`79 942
`—~_- ===_—-.:s=-- ====== =-_
`592.291 v 919,669
`Nomeim Tax. Awning. Misc fees


`Property Type
`:ARGUS Ver. 13.0.0 (Build: 13000-A)
`: CSC Supervisory 8.14.07
`: Office/industrial
`Time :4:13 pm
`: AME
`Page : 3
`CSC Building
`4900 Harkins Road
`New Carrollon. MD
`Schedule Of Sources & Uses 01' Capital
`Equity is Based on Property Value. Leverage and Operating Requirements
`Year 3
`Year 4
`Year 5
`Year 6
`Year 7
`159 899.150“
`Year 2
`Year 1
`“N Auggfl
`_ 7559932908
`For the Years Ending
`Sources 01 Capital
`Net Operating Gains
`Debi Funding Proceeds
`lnltlal Equity Contribution
`Net Proceeds from Sale
`Total Sources 0! Capital
`Uses 01 Capital
`Property Purdnase Price
`Total Debt Service
`Tenant lmpmvements
`Leasing Commissions
`Capi1al Costs a. Reserves
`Retiremenl a. Penalties
`_ -
`Defined Uses Of Capilal M 6 635$ “_
`8.862.923 _L0;l7.fl
`7.7m M550
`Cash Flow Distributions
`__ 91,795,959;
`Total Uses 01 Capital
`37 097 113
`Unleveraged Cash On Cash Return
`Cash to Purchase Price
`N01 to Book Value
`Cash to Purchase Price & Costs
`Leveraged Cash On Cash Relum
`Cash to Initial Equity
`Unleveragad Annual IRR
`Leveraged Annual IRR
`1 299%


`Property Type
`: ARGUS Ver. 13.0.0 (Build: 13000-A)
`: CSC Supervisorya.14.07
`: Office/Induslnal
`CSC Build'ing
`4900 Harkina Road
`New Carnation, MD
`Individual Loan 8. Debt Service Summary
`Loan number 1 - CSC Debt
`Year 5
`Year 6
`Year 7
`Year 4
`Date :6/14/07
`Time : 14:56
`2 AMA
`Page : 2
`1.21 1.098
`1 063.332
`1 135 079
`5 943,253
`5 943 253 _5.943.254
`84,651 .046
`1 292a7
`70 847 684
`Year 1
`875 819
`5 943 254
`Year 2
`5 943,253
`Year 3
`997 058
`5 943,254
`slam: luln== mun-fl: ==.un._
`576.546.9523 575549.900
`$74,486,068 93.350388 $72,139,891
`(1 ,135.079)
`(1,21 1,098)
`(1 ,E2,207)
`(70 B47 684)
`$73,350,989 572139.890
`571481.432 $76,546,957 575,549,900
`flung-.1 =-.._“ m .==_-
`"mm: 33mm.- mmm
`11 1.65%
`1 19.41%
`For me Years Ending
`Minimum Debt Service
`interest Payments
`Principal Payrnenls
`Total Minimum Debt Service
`Reductions 8. Retirement
`Principal Balloon or Call
`Total Reductions 8. Retirement
`Total Cash Flow Paid To Lender
`Principal Balance Summary
`Beginning Principal Balance
`Periodic Principal Reductions
`Principal Balloon Paymenls
`Ending Prinu'pal Balance
`interact Rates
`Interest Rate on Principal
`Cash Flow Coverage Ratios
`Cash to Total Inlama! Charged
`Cash 10 Minimum Debt Service
`Loan To Value Ratios
`Loan to Purchase Price
`Loan to Capflaiized Value
`Loan to Lowest Present Value
`Loan lo Highest Presem Value
`Lenders Welds (IRR)
`Base Yield to Maturity


`Date 38/14107
`True :14156
`Page : 1
`: ARGUS Var. 13.0.0 (Buid: 13000”
`:CSC Supervisorysdtm
`‘90:) Hamhs Road
`Mcarroflon. MD
`mseohfim MRO“ a. QumrTmm Tram Summary
`As a! Sep~2007 {171325.000 Squaw Fed
`Upon Exp'nion
`Loafing costs
`RmijusImewls & Was
`Base Renl
`Floor Rmme
`Pm! Desmiptional
`mprvrmfs Comm Mum-bun
`Types. Su‘u Numba
`Glavges Changes me Wag:
`to 091m Expm
`M RII meaumhrms
`Lying: 5 Turn
`5mg Share
`por Month
`Alias, Abate Ra‘mbxxsamais
`AmountM forlhis bran
`IWm Cor
`- Sea method: 056
`Office. Sake: 1A.5.s
`88,454,250 0am $24.90
`San mnva'on:
`120 Monms
`5537.854 mama
`Oct-2002 to Sega-2012
`Rule toM
`Od-ZOW $27.21
`Oil—N1 1
`1 Wrsdm Car
`Option. Suits:
`60 M00111:
`Oct-2012 b Sap-20W
`31 Van!“ - 710015 253
`Oflhz. Suih' HR 11
`120 Mantis
`0d-2012 to 599-202
`$5,345.73: mm“ $32.21
`“312 0:20“
`Oct-2018 N757
`Oct-2017 WA1
`Del-20m $42.73
`81 Vacant - Flwls 2&3
`Ofl'rce. Suite: H" 12
`120 Mantis
`Apr-2013 Ru Mal-2023
`AprQOW $3737
`mam 54149
`TWI Occupied SqFl
`Total Available SqFt
`- See mama: csc
`Rd:to Mikfl
`See «rm-mod: (:50
`500 Mich:
`Rt)le Market
`See mam: CSC
`Rda b Mark!


`Time :14:57
`Page : 1
`Property Type
`:ARGUS Ver. 13.0,0 (Build: 13000-A)
`: csc Supervisory 8.14.07
`: Office/industrial
`CSC Building
`4900 Haikins Road
`New Camoflon, MD
`supporting Schedule -- Square Feel Expiring — (All Terms)
`Year 1
`Year 2
`Year 3
`=u==un ==-ue=== .:=a.:=
`Year 8
`Year 7
`Year 6
`Year 5
`Year 4
`“ ‘ M ‘
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`For lhe Years Ending
`Computer Sciences Carpo
`Total SqFt Expiring
`Percent Of Total Expiring
`Month One
`Occupied Ana
`275 000








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`UrbanArnerica LP II
`Information Sheet
`Please find below attendance information.
`August 20, 2007
`12:00am EST
`domestic call-in number **
`(877) 864—2828
`Participant Code: 191 O66#
`international call-in number
`(973) 341—3032
`Participant Code: 191066#
`** To ea]!in die! z‘lee above number andyau’11 bepmegbeed 1e erzz‘eryoz/rparz’icgbanz‘ code. Afler
`you’ve entered f/ye code, lair flee “#” 192mm: andyou’ll be connected to tbe wnfereflee ea/Z
`UA006213 '


`UrbanAInerica LP II
`Supervisory Committee Distribution List
`Jill Felix
`Norman Peck
`Sam Rosenberg
`cc: Richmond McCoy
`H:11 Rciff
`Dave Monzella
`Acquisitions Team


`UrbanAmerica LP II
`Supervisory Committte Meeting Minutes
`April 30, 2007
`The meeting of the Supcwisory Committee was held onMonday, April 303’ at 1010021111
`Present (by phone):
`jill Felix - Member
`Norman Peck - Member
`Sam Rosenberg - Member
`Other Am.,dgcg
`U rba mimerica Team
`Today, the committee having reviewed the package attached, unanimously approved Lha- foflowing;
`Pursuit casts of up to $159,000 to finish undmvriiifig the portfolio as desaibed, in orcixr to be able to
`submit a final bid by next. week \Ve anticipate that. bid to be reduced fer our initial bid, in order to
`achieve the same five-seven yea): hold IRRS.
`Approva! to pursue the acquisition, thus incurring due diligence costs of about $1.5 mfllibn (upon the
`signing of a Contract that gives us rctnrns equal or better. to those presented, with a total 231 in price less
`than. or equal {0 What was presented).
`Cc: Marco Caffuzzi, Esquire, Skaddcn, Arps, Slate, Meagbet & Horn LL?
`UA00621 5


`UrbanAmerica LP II
`Supervisory Committee Meeting Minutes
`August 21, 2007
`The meeting of the Supervisory Committee was held on Monday, August 20th and Tuesday August 21st at 12:00pm
`Present (byr phone):
`Jill Felix — Member
`Norman Peck — Member
`Sam Rosenberg — Member
`Other Attendees:
`lrbanAmerica 'l'eam
`Today, the committee having reviewed the package attached, unanimously approved the following.
` Minutes record
`inancial OEflcar & Chief Operating Officer, UrbanAmcrica LP
`by Hal
`Cc: hilarco Caffuzzi, Esquire, Skadden, Arps, Slate, :Meagher & Flom LLP


`Richmond McCoy
`Wednesday, August 29, 2007 11:14 AM
`RE: draft of minutes of the Transaction Co

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URBANAMERICA LP II vs CARL WILLIAMS GROUP LLC et al, 600395/2008, 153 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Dec. 12, 2011) (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.