The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 CLASSIFIED THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1950 CLASSIFIED 27 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS SERVICES EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT FINANCIAL MERCHANDISE da Automobiles for Sale 11 Tracks for Sale 11A Repairing 23 Help Wanted -Female 39 Male Help--Salary 33 Wanted -Female 36 39 '18, new W.W. top, CHEV. -One ton truck. l'ackage de- A-1 Service on refrigerators washers. Low EXPERIENCED Singer button sower ELEVATOR OPERATOR, dishwashers.

ABC GIRL, wunts housework by day or week. Tel. AUTO LOANS Situations Personal Financing Articles for Salo 51 Must sell, A-1 cond. Tel. 2-0448.

livery. Walk-In. Montpeller body. Good rates. 7-1921, 0-0780.

buttonhole operators. $1 hr. base rate. Employment, 1802 Main St. 4-8572.

and other type loan. Eight GOOD USED sump pump for wet cellars. OUR SUMMER SPECIALS-46 Buick Super condition. Good tires. P'hone Westfield CARPENTRY Joseph's MEg.

Co. 1807 Main St. corner hour service. Spfld. Acceptance 1490 Tel.

3-1418 eves. good tires, and exc. condition, black. 99-Wt. screens built to order.

Est. free. 6-8918. Ferry, Furniture FURNITURE SALESMAN -Apply Miller HIGH SCHOOL girl. Exp.

with small children. Main 4-3193. HUNDREDS 'of feet of elec. conduit of all repairs. all kinds, cabinet '47 Chov.

4-dr. exc. buy; two CHEVROLET 46-Sedan delivery. $625. Call EXPERT REPAIRS on all SEWING MA EXPERIENCED woman for part time work 1127 Main St.

Wants baby sitting 350. hr. 0-1982. LOANS UP TO $300 PRIVATELY QUICK- sizes. Tel.

3-1418 eves. Ford 2 door sedans, '48, Crosley. Chic. 10821 CHINES 23 years with SINGER. CALL in dry cleaning store.

Apply in person. EXP. building material salesman $3500. Na- PRACTICAL nurse available, elderly people. LY.

Tel. New 4-2127. Method Finance, 1632 Mala INVEST in home. We have all 13,000 miles: '42 Oids sedanette: $39 FORD 1948 TRUCK, PICKUP BODY. TEL.

LEMOINE. Tel. 3-0710. Sunbright Cleaners, 754 Main West tionwide, 145 State id fir. best Also baby cases.

2-4749, 10 License CO, terials for your building, remodeling and Plymouth door '87 Ford town car. HAMPDEN-48 33 INMOWER sharpened Precision ground Springfield. EXPERIENCED gardener on flowers to p. m. NEED SOME EXTRA' CASII? First Per- repatring needs.

Springtield Lumber New top. new tires. Many more to choose FORD ton pauel. Fairly good con- lapped oiled. EXTRA CASH DUTCHMAID.

lawns. No others need apply. A. M. Locke, RELIABLE buby-sitter.

Will sit with sick sonal Bankers (on Court Sa.) Tel, 2-4158 15r Page I Blvd. Tel. 3-3168. 3 from. All cars guaranteed.

and Service. Sarat Motor North dition. Cheap. '35 parts. 4-4671.

BY. Meyer, 3-1270, 3-1929 men's, children's, jersey, nylon, Dan River Longmeadow Country Club, Longt, Mass. person, day or night. 7-4912. Rm.

Ril. Tel. 3-6604 KOOLERATOR 75 lb. cap. (Ice) $20.

Nesca greased ad. Ladies, Sales, Ford Sales FORD ton panel. 8 wks. old. 2000 LAWN MOWERS wear.

P'ersonal gelling or demonstrating. EXP. gasoline station attendant. Apply 1114 SLIP cover cutter and sewor wants PAY OASIL FOR YOUR NEW CAR table top, blue flame oil range, $25, both Aguwarn. Tel.

3-3902. miles. Just like new. Good buy. 4-3296.

adjusted. Pick-up sharpened. and deliver. greased Tel. P.

0. Box 240. Westfield, Mass. State St. alterations done, Call 4-1414.

WITH A LOW COST LOAN nearly new. Call 7-0542. PLYMOUTH 1917 business coupe. RAH, F-6 FORD 1018 dump rites. 28 Union 2-7066 or 8-9515.

ELDERLY woman to live in new home, care FOR DIRECT SALES excel, pay. State WASHINGS, IRONINGS and curtains done Security Banking Co. 1663 Main St. 4-5061. MOTOR BICYCLE $10 or bent offer.

Call Good condition. $875. 2-5834. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED for children. Good home in preference to past exper.

education. Reply Box 3472 at home, Called for and delivered. 3-2904. Money Load E. Long.

2604 ask for Clyde Gould, after Marble St. bet. p. m. DODGE ton semi-van up and delivery.

Al Terrien, 3-9027. EXPERIENCED wanted. P'uritan ITAND COMPOSITOR experienced. and able 9-4616. It you A Dred BENEFICIAL 1st mortgage CHORES to RHEEN-30 gal.

A Auto. Gas water heater. PLYMOUTH, 1978-4-dr. sed. Good cond, 69 GOOD TRUCK BUYS Power TO Free pick- high wages.

Pall 7-0093 'bet. 6 D. m. Union Office. WOMAN will BABY SIT days Mon.

thru CONTACT 6 p. $945 able for furniture and body, mattress suita- de- REFRIGIRATOR washer, 24 hr. service. Restaurant. 1607 Main St.

to perform all composing room operations, WOMAN--DESIRES WORK BY THE DAY. buy, build or refinance your present see 2 yrs, old. Tel. 6-7084. ARTHUR F.

CENTER, INC. Reasonable EXTER. HAIRDRESSER ONLY. THE. be 1946 Special Deluxe, 4-dr.

livery. Good cond. and tires $675 rates, 8-1774. in upstate Now York. supervisor Good in small wages.

plant Ap- TEL. 0-0394 LOMA8 23 Elm 6-3637. ROSE price. BUSH Tel. 4 7893.

trellises for sale at very low work'ng 3-1115 DODGE ton, 12 ft. stake body 893 RADIO REPAIRS television installation. 2-6000. ply 13ox 3405 Union Office. YOUNG graduate student desires clerical or A BETTER SERVICE or any type loan 500 COLUMBUS AVE.

OPEN EVES DODGE express 473 Victoria Radio Sound 03 Dwight EXPERIENCED bookkeeper 10 take charge PIE YOU ARE AN EXPERIENCED AU- research work for summer. Can typo. WIll secured and unsecured. Business bought, SCREENS wire, $2.65 ea. Full CONVERTIBLE COUPE Dodge, Plymouth Dodge Trucks SINGER Repairs, all makes of sewing ma- cond.

Apply in person. Margolis ESTED IN THE MECHANIC BEST SELLING AND ately until 1 Oct. 1. 3-8504. laries.

Seaboard Discount Corporation, 1502 comb. doore, Wessell 911 State St. PONTIAC 1947 INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR CO. St. Tel.

6-4682. of sniall office. Excel. nay working TOMOBILE 1111 In for vacations, Avallable immedi- sold. Financed loan to heirs benefic- screen.

$3.65 Screen stock, supplies, 115 Lyman St. TIONS WITH ECELLENT PAY, CONDI- WIL YOUNG PRACTICAL NURSE -Available. Main St. Tel. 4-3191.

138. Memoria: 1V. Tel. 6-1823 chines. Free estimates, We call deliver.

HEN Check the beauty the power the INTERNATIONAL PANEL 1941. Singer Sewing Center. Main St. 3-0714 EXPERIENCED salesgirl for full timo am- LARD NASH AT WELLEHER MIXER Hospital experience. Tel.

6-2412. FEDERAL SAVINGS de- SPINNING OUTFIT- Used only once, excepquality and you will know this is your ARTHUR E. CENTER, INC. $395.00 VACUUM CLEANER-All makes repaired. ployment.

Apply manager, Whalen Drug INC. 464 ST. JAMES AVE. TODAY! Situations sirable houses. No 1st feea.

mortgages Springfield on of- tionally good buy. Call 3-8950 after car. Cream finish with deluxe equipment. 500 Columbus Ave. 3-1115 rebullt.

Ask for sweeper repairs. Forbes Store, 1507 Main St. JANITOR HANDY LIVE IN. Call Wanted--Male 37 fice. Worcester Federal Savings, 6-4269.

p. m. Lifetime Guarantee- Full Price $1375. INTERNATIONAL 1018 Wallace 1-1121, EXPERIENCED sales girly for part time in person. Hotel McDonnell.

Main A-1 CARPENTER wants house framing, Third National Bank Bidg. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK-2x4 soft Pine. TON and full time. Apply King's Dept Store, Wast Spring! Tel. 2-2083.

plans layout, inside finish, new construc- D4S for only per ft. Springfield LENDER CHEVROLET co. Sturdy construction, PANEI rugged power with Tuners 841 State Ft. at Winchester Square. KITCHEN MAN- -Apply dietician.

tion. Tel. 2-3747. INSTRUCTION Lumber Co. 15r Page Blvd.

Tel. 3-3168. Piano 22.1 120 WESTFIELD WEST SPFLD. economy, handling ease and convenience. You ANY piano tuned for $2.50.

For $23.50 your EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER Memorial Hospital. Wesson A-1 PAINTING Interior exterior, Call THAYER STROLLER--Grey, $3. Good conget all these features in this thoroughly re- piano completely rebuilt like new and SEWING MACHINES. GOOD PAY. EX- MACHINE F.

Gawmous. 2 Monmouth St. 6-5047. Privato Instruction 15 dition. Tel.

7-0438. conditioned truck. guaranteed. Price includes new felts. all CELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS.

AR- knowledge of repair automatic man. Experienced with COLLEGE GRADUATE--Age 40, desires to FRENCH TUTORING. Miss Rose Yeranian, UPRIGHT PIANO. Excel. cond.

Tel. PLYMOUTH 1941 Lifetime Guarantee -Full prire $895 materials used workmanship. Tel. 2-5833. PLY VICTORIA DRESS 84 ability to punch presses and gettle and secure a position in Springfield.

Head of French Dept. Mac Duffle School. 3-0954. 2-DOOR SEDAN 120 LEADER WESTFIELD CHEVROLET CO. A FACTORY trained piano builder will tune ST.

in person. 9 8. m. -4 Baldwin- Has had legal training; accounting ex- Tel. 2-6071 June 21 to July 31.

WOODEN STOCK BINS-1 yr. old. Ideal LIAMS machine parts: ist shift. Apply WEST SPELD. your piano for $3.

Repairing all makee, EXPERIENCED WAITRESS-21-30 yra. Duckworth Chain "Belt 309 perience: 16 yrs. of service in leading PRIVATE Instructions in Russian, Yugoslav for parts. Seen at 32 Belle St. 7-2003.

Take advantage this Econorny in excel. STUDERAKER cond. 1949 Call 8-2228 ton after stake body perience. Formerly with Gibbs Piano Co. work.

Knowledge Good of foods. Day Plainfield St. AR a newspaper teletype officag operator, in copy Washington, reader D. of- C. and German.

Easy method. per hr. WINDOW SHADES- Selected irregulara. also players, 37 years of practical ex100': Tat--nice to drive! 4-1766. 6.

Call M. Pierce Music Spfld. C. L. EXPERIENCED salary.

and tips. Tel. 6-0643. MIAN wanted--experienced installer fice manager. Also 5 years experience in 474 Group Liberty 50c.

St. Write Mr. Eugene Mironoff. Cloth cut 6 mounted to fit your rollers Package." Nice to And priced at only $575. WHITE Heavy Duty Rear End Complete Kubicek 7-2706.

ahle. Good pay. Call Waitress. 4-3480. Must be depend- Must Aluminum have combination storm windows.

Production office of leading Aircraft $1.19. It. solid colors. $1 Duplex. with Dunl wheels and 40x8 tires, -like EXPERT TUNING- Upright $3.

Grand $4. FANCY to Box 364 truck Union necessary tools, Write concern, Can furniah best references. LEADER CHEVROLET CO. SPFLD. new.

Make great tractor $100. 4-2646. General repairs, workmanship guaranteed. Cleaners silk Dyers pressers 433 or Eastern tapper. A Ave.

American MEN crew Office. Box. 314, Union Office. 1138 MEMORIAL AVE WEST SPFL. 9-6497 LIVESTOCK WEST SIDE SHADE BLIND CO.

1916 Diamond No. 509, Fulry equip. 30 years exp. G. J.

Ellaworth, 3-2338. For Choice Positions tional advertised products. Make better na- FOUNDRY Industrial engineer avallable. Dogs, Cats, Pets 41 WALLPAPER for every room in your home. 120 WESTFIELD WEST managers salesmen for tractor, Clean 095.

Painting--Papering 23 Bennett' Secretarial Employment Service than average income. In person apply. 500 Specializing In layout incentives methods BOSTON pups from A.K.C. registered stock Heavy durable, gunfast quality, You have PLYMOUTH 1936 sedan. Best offer over 1917 2 Ton Chevrolet long wb.

Chassis BETTER 1200 Main St. 6th floor. Enfield St. Conn. Office, Resume upon request.

Box 3168, Union Reany-to-go Reasonably priced. Also stud 33 1-3 per cent to 50 per cent. Fine Call 7-4911. Cab. Ciean 875.

A done reasonably. job of Phone painting paperhanging GIRLS exper. STAN to wash simonize service. Kennells 6-1306. tion of patterns.

Bring room measure-. 4800 PACKARD mi. A 1950-2 new car fully club equipped. sadan. black, Must Clean 835.

A-1 PAINTING paperhanging. $3 rm. Mfg. 2760 Main St. Call in person.

zine Lincoln Wanner's Garage. HAVE YOU GOT? 6-3078. CALL T'VILLE, 5212. 1 Colonial Radio cabinet 1947 1 Ton International Milk sewing oper. Norman Garment cars.

Cor HANDY MAN WANTS, WORK. WHAT AKC BEAGLE PUPS. ments, Poole's Wallpaper Dept. 4th floor. $25 seli reasonable.

Tel. Chic. 696R aft. 6 m. form.

Clean Plat- 930 up. Tel. 2-8937. Steady work. general factory work.

grocery Co. Experience dept. unnecessary. of national formed HOUSECLEANING jobs of all kinds per- CUTE lot of puppies. 50 to choose from.

General Emerson Electric portable radio portable 10 15 1947 International KB-3 15 Ft. GIRLS 21-33 for MIEN! Opening in order PONTIAC 1942 club coupe cyl. 'Tel. Monson 1947 Ton a International Pickup A-1 outside painting paperhanging. Also horu.

105 Front Chic. pay will average $1,50 per hour to start. 4-2842. young Tel. Boxers; collies, sheperds, fox terriers small General Electric 15 Apply Cutler Schermer- Yout by experienced 395-3 after 3 m.

Clean 785. general Tel. 01 7-7253. GIRLS WANTED Apply branch store 442 Chestnut 9-11 PHARMACIST toy breeds In chihuhua, p*rn, peke crosaes. new Thor electric Ironer 50 PLYMOUTH '47 4 dr.

sedan 31,000 mi. Good 1946 4 Ton International Platform A-1 JOB at reduced prices, work show Thurs. Eve. to June help. at Lion's Club m.

time work. Dial Ilolyoke 18 years 2-6121. wants full Tel. 628 Griswold, 34 Main East Long. 200 snapbelts, linesmen window washers 1.00 registered So.

tires, $1025. Will take trade. 2-0032. 1941 Clean Ton International Panel 775. teed Aleo house painting.

Tel. 7-2964. women to help with auto sales Active tickets. young MAN Must experienced in service station work. 22.

A RETTER CLASS of painting papering Attractive commission paid. Inquire at have knowledge of lubrication, PRINTER- experience, Stone, Presses, 20 years BEAUTIFUL COLLIE puppies. AKC regi- Pathex camera projector 50 250. Most reasonable price. Tel.

2-3757. Lion's Headquarters, 139 Bridge St. washing. etc. Apply in person to Mayo Box 305, now working.

desires change. stered. 18 Robertson Worcester, Mass. HASKINS-LANDSEND-EAST OTIS "GOODWILL' PONTIAC TRADE INS Clean Boyertown Delivery 950. 85 AT WOODLAWN DOERSAM, JR.

ST. Call 7-0266. MAN for Automotive. 252 Belmont Ave. QUALIFIED mechanical COMPLETE rabbit raising outfit, rab Cameras and Equipment 51A 1947 Chevrolet or Bros.

Union Office Worcester 4-8798. 1946 International KB-1 Boyertown De- DIAL 0-6037 OF 7-8676 for GIRL FOIL general housework at seashore experience. general None garage others work. need Must apply. have designing ability desires steady draftsman employ- with bits.

Reasonable. Tel. 4-1633. with CAMERAS REPAIRED. Prompt service.

Fair Pontiac Conv. Only 17,000 miles $1745. livery. Clean 1100. exterior, interior painting, reas.

paperhanging prices on Call 2-9678 ply in person to Mayo Bros. Automotive Ap- ment. las sound mechanical judgments. CUTE bull terrier puppies. Nice peta.

Ream prices. Bloom's Camera Center, 1657 Ford Club Coupe $913 All the above trucks have been recondi- and plastering. Done by experlenced HAIRDRESSERS- -Experienced in exclusive 252 Belmont Ave. Please write Box 261 Union Office. Will deliver.

4-8077. year Security Banking, Ford 2 Door As Is $305 good tioned truck and are deal. guaranteed. See us for men. 219 Union 5 Day Office.

week. Steady position. Box MECHANIC- Experienced on front end FINANCIAL COLLIE puppies, AKC, registered, golden 35 MM Ansco color reloads $1.59. State Pontiac 2 Door $1145 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER cO. DU MOR painting contractors, first class ex- parts work.

Give full exp. ref. Our gable. Frank 'Thaeder, Northfield, Tel. 827.

Camera Exchange, 168 State Victoria Pontiac Door 35 Memorial terior painting done by two experts. Low HAIRDRESSERS (2)-wanted. 5 day week. employees know about this ad. Box Business Opportunities 88 co*ckER PUPS Hotel Bldg.

7-4120. Reconditioned Guaranteed Terms Arranged West Mass. eat estimates are offered now. 7-4365. position.

Call 7-0771. 378 Union Office. black buff. 616 Main Tel 2-2191 HAIRDRESSER -Experienced A MUST- -when selling your business, West Spfld. Business Equipment 53 WARRINER PONTIAC CO.

'TON GNO, Platform Truck, Model CC EXPERT or interior finish cabinets, cellings Apply. Star Beauty Salon, 5 1214 day Main week. OPENINGS AND JOB FOR LOCKUP DIAN. 6-5117 DOLAN GRADY 2-3700 DOGS BOARDED. New modern kennels.

A NEW auto, Panelectric ICE CUBE MAKSt. Tel. 2-6201 303, $300 trade for smaller truck, Cr knotty pine attics, 3-9300. MOTHER'S helper. Conn.

beach whole sum M. J. O'MALLEY 2M FRANKLIN ST, "SPRINGFIELD'S spection invited. Connelly, Plain Hat- ER. 1800 cubes.

8 hra. List $700. price St. PRESSMEN 580 Main Cobb3. Amherst.

Mass. EXTERIOR Interior painting. paperhang. mer. $5 wk.

0-6039. PRESSERS- Wanted for "Springfield's Largest Business Brokers' feld. 3164. now. YOUNG, 590 DWIGHT ST.

4-7838 STUDEBAKER 1933 House TraDers 11H ing celotex cellings. Ed Tetrault 2-8387 MAID--For general housework cooking. Steady, good pay, Gordon Cleaners, 159 A DOLAN-GRADY COLUMN DACHSHUND pups. A.K.C. Keg.

males. BASTIAN BLESSING BOBTAILS. CARBOall round work. AMERICA'S foremost trailer buy under FOR QUALITY printing paperhanging, Live in. Private rm.

bath. Reference. Taylor St. ALWAYS THE BEST black, 2 tan. Reas, priced.

Call R. A. NATORS, CUSTARD MACHINES stock SEDAN $95 $2000. It's 264 ft. of trailer coach also reas.

prices, insured men. call Vadnais White preferred. Holyoke 2-7521, RARER THAN YOU THINK CAFE--2 of them-one in Springfield and Ruppert, 2-4320. for prompt delivery, Trained servicemen ARTHUR E. CENTER, INC.

combining luxury practicality. Comfort 7-38082-6864 MILLINERY THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE $7500 one in PARAKEETS, all colors, reasonable prices. and genuine parts in stock. Tel. 2-6101 for 50 COLUMBUS convenience.

Burnett's Trailer OUTSIDE painting. Call bet. 10-12 SPORTSWEAR -Saleawomen THE FIRST YEAR AND UP guaranteed $1400 week- pet dealers welcome Tel. 9059 after 5 prompt service. quotations, etc.

$495- Springfield Westfield 432. Sales, 0-4440. m. Write Steady, giving part time, experience. Thurs.

Box eves. 323, Union Sat. YOUR SECOND. MANY MEN WITTE $10,404 EX- ly RUG gross. p.

m. or Saturdays Sundays. Mrs. Erwin DESKS. Ales, chairs, tables, safes, visible ARTHUR E.


ferent. Shelburne Falls, Mass, PLY equipment. EQUIPMENT BROADWAY CO. OFFICE SUP. 500 Columbus Ave.

Open Eves. 3-1116 BETTER TRAILER exterior. Reas. Reliable. 6-2442 or 3-7449.

NURSE R. N. Graduate for work. WE HAVE THAT FLORISTS SHOP--in TROPICAL aquarium Ash, turtles, plants, ac- 4-2040. YOU SAVE $100 TO $200 HERE 125 Boston Road, Pine Point, 3 miles from PLASTERING.

painting, Box 365 Union Office. MAN KIND OF WITH AN DIRECT OPPORTUNITY FOR LUNCHEONETTE- one in downtown cessories, pet Lu's Aqua Gar. FILING CABINET For Sale. 8-Section Oak. hosp.

$2000. 1946 Hudson 4-dr. sedan Main toward Boston on Rte. 20. 6-1177.

City or. country, 2-2986. paperhanging. MATURED WOMAN for combination RIENCE. OUR PRODUCTS SELLING ARE EXPE- Springfield, and one on Liberty Heighta.

dens. 803 High Jackson, Holyoke 3-9446. Reasonable. Room 226 Myrick Bldg. 2-3675.

1947 Hudson 4-dr. sedan sedan LARGE display of new used trailers, PAPERHANGING painting. Your taurant counter work in pleasant reg- tea SITIES. YET SO DIFFERENT FROM COMBINATION STORE -paints, wall- GERMAN sheperd, dark, wolf gilver grey FRYALATOR $40; toastmaster $40; Elec 1940 1948 Hudson 6. 4-dr.

6. sedan like new from $650 up. Terms available. Visit Mot- is my job. For free estimates.

4-5188. problem room. Tel. 6-9622. OTHER MAINTENANCE MATERIALS paper, gifts, novelties.

puppies. co*cker spaniels, springer span- meat alicer, $25: Elec. sandwich unit; 1919 Hudson Hudson super comm. 6. sedan fatt Mass.

Trailer Phone Sales Lenox on 691. U. S. Lenox, PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR. pa- MERROW sewing machine operators wanted.

TION. THAT IF OUR YOU MEN ARE HAVE NO COMPETI- weekly, LOCUST ideal man nice wife. market doing $900 dels, erds. spitz. Lewla Farm beagles, Kennels, Collies, 1139 Collie Allen shep- St.

S. 8. stainless COFFEE $200. Natn'l. URNS, reg.

etc. 559 creamer, Union range. Low Down Payment-24 mos. to pay NEW AND perhanging general repairs, at reason- Must be experienced. 55.

HAVE CAR AND CAN RETWEEN START 30 WORK AND FOREST PARKa confectionery store. ice Phone 9-3322. W. Spfld. 425 SO JAMES JOHNSTON AVE.

CORDNER TEL. 7-2317 Travola (floor heat) service. able ship prices. guaranteed. Workmen Free Insured.

Workman- HIGH STARTING RATES IMMEDIATELY. WRITE COLONIAL RE- cream, CHICOPEE fountain, eto. Makes own ice cream. HOUSE BROKEN inoculated co*cker male, MEAT SHOW CASE-8 INC. USED COACHES- and estimates.

Real Es- FINING FALLS It. Double duty Mason. 1268 Riverside W. Spfld. 2-3282 tate Maintenance Co.

4-7388. BROADCASTING CHEMICAL NATIONAL lished 40 years; 10 months. $2., Holyoke, 7638 after 6 p. m. fully equipped.

Tel. 6-9643. 41 $473. OLDS. Call 4-dr.

2-0723 Good between cond. 6-7 Radio p. m. or heater. call RENTAL, of utility vacation trailer homes.

PAINTING and Panda-Knit 7 Spild. Chicopee CLEVELAND. OHIO. COMPANY PLAINFIELD self-service small su- SHELTIES--The collie in miniature. cham- NAT'L CASH paperhanging.

At Moder. (Old Spalding Bullding) per market. Small pion aired cable white pupples. 4-1097. $99.99.

Capuano-Ferry REGISTER- 1254. Range Columbus .01 Ave. to at 10 Ridgewood PI. 125 BOSTON TRAILER RD. SALES Ate coat.

Tel. 7-5518. NURSE practical or registered attendent, to RELIABLE young man to work as electric terms. 'down payment. Easy TROPICAL flab tanks.

plants, ail auras- Spfld. 6-9572. BETTER UTILITY TRAILER 16 in tires. 3-0668. 270 work.

swing staging care for bed ridden lady at Conn. beach and some elec. schooling. Call 3-1418 license PHARMACISTS OPPORTUNITY ap- Always something new. 4 Walnut ONE 10-60 Taylor ice cream raker IncludTrucks for Sale 11A PAINTING-Steeplejack clan's helper.

Must have driver's AT BRONSON'S Dewey St. West Spild. Pointing chimneys buildings. In- reference Required. Edward, 1954 Ask for Mr.

Presh. eves. proved drug store location. Now doing $1100 So. Hadley Fails.

Hoi. 2-7281. quart freezer. gallon hardening BIG SAVINGS -CLEARANCE WILL EXCHANGE New 5 room house for dustrial Kernan, 381 work 30 yrs. experience.

M. C. Stain St. weekly. Excellent location.

Horses, Cattle, Vehleles cabinet and 1 HP. compressor. 340 Bay St. 1947 Dodge pickup late mode' house trailer. After 6 m.

or call bet. 9 Elm 6 2-7854. West Spfld. 6-5961 PART TIME office worker afternoons 12.43 ROOFERS tablished SPORTING GOODS CONCESSION- -in 4A REFRIGERATORS. counters, freez1946 Studebaker pickup 550 4-2035.

p. to 4.45. Work simple $16 to start. Write CARPENTERS MECHANICS hardware store. A sportsman's de- ARRIVED June 19, 4th Express load.

6 good ere, chairs, Tables, Booths: stools at 1941 1941 Ford Chevrolet chassis chassis cab cab 395 395 WHITE BIRCHES TRAILER PARK Moring- 25 Box 370 Union Off. light. HOLY with beer wine on broke saddle horses, various colors. Others and china, up. Glass, Hotpoint Distributors, silver.

Park your mobile apart ment where there AOROSS PLEASANT HOME salary for mothers Steady work. Excellent pay. Exp. men license. and hand.

singles Draft horses up to 2200 Ibs. Pairs used. complete installations, new 1940 Chevrolet Chassis 375 550 is plenty of room for the street or across the country. helper. All conv.

Tel. 4-2233. only. Apply ready for work. GAS STATION--home attached completely that have pulled, and some real cab 1939 Dodge dump truck 295 shady.

$16 her. No everyone, tax. green Southampton grass Moving. packing, storage. Low rates.

SALESGIRL- work. equipped. good location. Stand inves- Fair prospects. Harnesses and equipment.

KITTREDGE FIX. 1939 panel CHEVROLET CO. Westfleld, Mass. Near Barnes "HERB" Williams, Mover. 2-1234.

in ladies dresses CARTER ROOFING CO. tigation. E. O. Kimball, Lenox 302.

608-14 Dwight 3-4862-6-6445 7S West St. Chicopee 330 or 2788 port. Tel. 1465 M5. ALL RATES Are not the same.

For lower eon's, 1373 Main St. Gray- 31 PARK SPFLD. TOURIST -home and cabins, completely A READY MARKET for your horses. Wil- STORE FIXTURES DO MARKET EQUIP. BRONSON Air- coats.


wb $145 995 Chev. 1 1195 CHASSIS CABS Chev. ton 137" wb 395 Chev. ton 160' wb 495 Chevrolet ton 137" wb 445 PICKUPS 39 Cher. ton 395 Chev.

ton ton 645 595 SEDAN DELIVERIES Chev, rough 295 48 Chev. 825 Chev. 943 Chev with radio 975 PANELS Chev. 145 Ford 195 Chev. 395 GMO 495 Dodge (choice of 645 Dodge 725 603 COLUMBUS 'COR.


8:25, dump 20 10 ply ton 156" W. B. 100 20 tires ideal for city delivery 1-ton exprese 700 I 16 ply tires Ideal for any purpose Summer PYRNES Ave. (near STUDEBAKER Long Hill) AGENCY 6-7233 ABSOLUTELY the largest display in New England. See to-day the Liberty.

Platt. Zimmer, Lighthouse, Walco, Roycraft, A.B.C.. Elcar, Detroiter, and Nashua Trailers. Also parts and accessories, which includes bed chairs and hid-a-bed. BETTER TRAILER SALES 125.

Boston Rd. Pine Point 3 miles from Main St. toward Boston on Rte. 20. 6-1177.

ATTRACTIVE LOW PRICES DODGE--PLYMOUTH TRADE-INS 19 Mercury 4 dr. sedan. Radio and heater. Excellent condition. $1675 Dodge 2 dr.

sedan. Ideal family car. A vacation special. $1375 tires. Dodge dr.

sedan. Radio, heater, good $1275 Chevrolet dr. sedan. Fleetmaster, high lustre finish. HO less.

$1175 Dodge 4 dr. sedan. An excellent value, Chevrolet Club Coupe. good $595 tires, stratosphere blue. $1095 Chevrolet door sed.

A low priced snecial for economical operation. $985 JUST OVER MEMORIAL BRIDGE PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR co. Dodge-Plymouth-Dodge Trucks Direct Factory Dealer 138 Memorial West Spild. 6-1825 BETTER DODGE DEALS TOPOR DODGE MOTORS, 'JBRATED' 519 TRUCKS. FRONT.

ALL SIZES CHIC. CHEVROLET 19444 Dual transmission. ton. Steel body. $450.

777 Boston Rd. 4-8825. AT A. V. REOPELL.

INC. 1941 Chevrolet "160" W. B. $736 1947 Dodge canopy 795 1948 Chev. sedan delivery 995 709 STATE ST.

DIAL 7-0251 Used Truck Pales on Hanco*ck St. Just Off State St. AUTOMOBILE SALES CO. Offers used trucks at give-away prices. 1947 FORD ton rack, Hke new $805 1944 CHEVROLET ton panel, spotless 595 1946 STUDEBAKER ton 2-speed rear 168" wheelbase chas.

cab. 495 1941 CHEVROLET panel, ex. cl. 325 1940 ton chas. cab wheelbase 225 1938 FORD ton pickup, clean 125 AUTOMOBILE SALES CO.

93-117 LIBERTY ST. OPP. R. R. STATION Call 8-7287 for demonstration at your door--No obligatio to buy.

OPEN 'TIL 6 P. M. CHEV. Cannot '43 be Long told from wheel new. base stake body, 17.000 actual miles.

Priced at $1350. 1949 International B5, Excellent ton, with a Rousseau-built body. for furniture, ice, etc. This truck has 23.000 miles with booster air brakes and priced to sell at $1395. 1947 1948 Inng wheel base, with Priced two-speed axles and mechanically A-1.

way below book. 1947 long wheel base dump. hoist, ready for piany low miles of carefree heavy hauling. prire, $1550. Terms and trades arranged.

Open' Eves. W. II. Fenton, Used Car Division, East Main Westfield, Tel. 61.

FORD TRUCK CENTER 1949 Ford Ton Stake $1395.00 slightly used. 1947 5000 Ntudebaker ton 835.00 10-ply. 1946 International Pickup 650.00 All original. Very clean. 1941 International Panel 145.00 Complete Reconditioned 1940 Ford 12-Foot Stake 495.00 Park Dept.

truck. 1940 International Platform 375.00 Good 9-Foot body. 1940 Ford Pickup 375.00 Really nice. 1935 Chevrolet Pickup 75.00 TRADES TERMS ARTHUR E. CENTER, INC.

500 COLUMBUS PHONE 3-1115 OPEN EVERY EVENING WANTED: To rent OF. buy emall house trailer. Reas. W. Schultz.

Clinton Hotel. 2 HIGGINS Camp Trailers, Springfield Chris Craft Marine, 470 Maln St. Motorcycles and Bicycles 12 BOY'S bicycle, 24 inch. Good very reas. Call 9 8.

m. 12 poon or after 6 D. m. Tel. 7-1980.

BOY'S 24 inch bike. Second hand. Tel. 3-5811. BOYS bike.

for sale. A-1 Condition. Tel. 6-1764. BISMARK -New German 1 lunger, 2-speed transmission All equipped.

533 State St. Tel. 9-5410 ENGLISH Truimph Tiger 100 motorcycle. Good cond. Buddy seat caddie bags.

Inq. 260 Race Holyoke. INDIAN CHIEF 1937 Now tires battery, $125. Call 7-4911. INDIAN CHIEF Exc.

lots of extras, etc. Sacrifice $325. Tel. 270 or 94 evenings. INDIAN ROADMASTER '47.


Auto Accessories 14 AUTO TRUCK parts, all makes. Aalso genuine Pontiac parts. Garage equipment GENDEN BROTHERS. 238 MAIN. 6-5481.

BEST LOOKING auto seat covers in town, all fabrics, all prices. Green Stamps Autocraft Fabrics. Wilcox St. 7-9475. BUICK factory parts.

Wholesale and re tail. Orders shipped same day received. SPFLD. BUICK 630 Main St. 2-4126.

AUTO SEAT COVERS--Custom made. Installed while you wait, for any make car or model car. Made from Aber, sail cloth or tackle twill. Your choice of materials. Price as low at $7.20 for coupes.

$12 for Sedan. Auto Body 519 Worthington St. Tel. 3-1887 3-7668. Stations 15 CARS PAINTED $35.

Fenders repaired. 83 Union St. Tel. 3-9326. Garages 16A $9 SPRING mo.

P. ST. O. garage to rent. Easy access Box 676.

Wanted Automobiles 17 AT BETTER USED CAR EXCHANGE Better prices paid for quality cars 1575. State St. (Tydol Station) Tel. 7-1685 ANY MAKE or model. Cash for your car.

Forest Pk. Auto Co. 483 Sumner Ave. 'AT THE ORIGINAL LEO'S" TOP CASH FOR YOUR CAR 1174 STATE ST. TEL.

2-9453 CASH FOR YOUR CAR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALERS KELLEHER MIXER, INC. 464 St. James Ave. Tel. 3-3110 PRIVATE party wants Olds 1919 conv.

will pay cash. Tel. 4-3696. WE WANT good clean USED CARS BOWEN MOTORS. 364 Memorial West Springfield.

Tel. 4-9264. WE'RE NOT FOOLING MORE CASH for your car than any OTHER dealer, That's our reputation, and we live up to it! MAIN MOTORS, 1069-1071 Main St. 4-5719 YOU CAN be sure realize twice the actual value of your car at Harry Silverman, 1043 Main, Corner Park St. BUSINESS SERVICES Building--Contracting 19 ALTERATIONS carpenter mason work.

New or, old. Estimates free. Tel. 8-1048. ALL GENERAL repairing, alterations, additions, rooting, celotex ceilings, papering, painting, inside and out.

Easy payments. R. Cross, 2-4318 or 3-8941. ASPHALT driveway, concrete steps, walks, cellars firs. Tebaldi Bros.

6-7615 or 6-4750. A No. 1 garages. Low cost. Tel.

9-2287. Write Box 275, T'ville, Conn. A-1 CARPENTER. New construction or pairs. Bank credit avail.

Free estimates. 7-4376. ALL KINDS- cement work done, Free estimates. Call Ohicopee 1838 anytime. BETTER foundations, floors garages homes.

Tel. 4-4486. CARPENTER-1st class with power tools available now for small jobs. 6-4467. CHIMNEYS cellar walls, built rebuilt.

Tel. 3-4159. FI OORS SANDED refinished. Charlie's Floor Service Tel. 4-2554.


Or material only, Liberal terms. Free est. 3-4617. LOMBARDI ROOFING general roofing. Free estimates.

Tel. 6-4754. NEW HOMES general carpentry, inside outside. Repairing. remodeling.

timates Sofid or Ilolvoke 8-0076. MASON WORK of all kinds, Taddia, Tel. 6-6190. PLASTERING new lobs only. Work guar.anteed.

Tel. 9-4189 $5050 ON YOUR LOT. Largo bungalow 32' 24'. 4 rooms, 6 closets, full cellar, steam heat. No painting.

Tel. 1-0910. 'Heating and Plumbing 20 ALL PLUMBING repairs ew installation. Estimates. Vincent Dymak, 3-3736.


Call Wm. J. Hyland master plumber. 30 Montrose St. 8-5689.

ACTION on Any plumbing job by master plumber. Complete line of fixtures. Show rm. 3218 Main St. 8-5285 FOR A BETTER PLUMBING JOB AT REASONABLE PRICES CALL, 2-8402 Electricians 21 EVERYTHING eled Fluorescent lighting, industrial and residential wiring.

D. N. Murphy, 302 Spgtid. Chicopee 1270. Murphy, 302 Spgtid.

Chicopee 1270. rates call Leo Dinan "'The Mover" 2-0491. A COMPLETE MOVING SERVICE "PINES TO PALMS' Southern van shipments, and local moving. 21-bour phone service. Cabrini Moving Service.

3-9183, 6-8347. ACROSS the street or across the country. Moving. packing, storage. Low rates.

Williams, the Mover. 2-1234 COMPLETE TRUCK RENTING SERVICE RENTAL- LEASE- CONTRACT TRUCK RENTAL CO. 3-1119 FOR SERVICE TO -RHODE ISLAND- NEW YORK OTTY Albany- Boston-Fall River-Lawrence-Lowell Huck's Transfer, Inc. Since 1890-3-1119 TRUCK LEASING SERVICE. INC.



TEL. 2-2168 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Female 33 AGGRESSIVE lady for route. sales work calling on regular customers. Car fur nished. Must be good driver Call 4-SORO.

A Few Good Jobs Open for Experienced girls As Sewing Machine Operators Good Pay Steady Work CHICOPEE UNDERGARMENT CORP. 165 FRONT CHICOPEE, MASS. A Help YOUNG with GIRL children. to live 4-0898. in.

Housework. ATTRACTIVE work POSITION for woman betw, part time as beauty adviser, conducting Peggy Newton make up classes. Earn per wk. Part time use of car required. For Information call Mrs.


48 HAMPDEN ST. AT ONCE--Stenographers, comptometer operator, payroll clerk. Hanley Serv. 215 Dwight St. ACCOUNTANT- manage office charge payroll of 75 CLERK refined, accurate SECRETARY- girl office, exp.

typist -Choice position over 25 at figuros, GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 182 State Street Telephone 7-5607 A RECENT GRADUATE MAY FIND A IN PSYCHIATRIO REHABILITATION. Mature young woman with an Interest in people and a' desire to learn, write to Miss Barbara St. John, 400 Washington Hartford. Conn. giving age, training or experience plus special interests.


Call Holyoke 2-7800 after 7 p. BETTER than average proposition available to women for full or part time work during our annual Children's Photographic Contest. Last year's worker's earned over $10 a day. For information mee Mr. Lang at 03 State St.

A8 soon AR possible. COMPETENT girl, housework cooking. sleep in. 2 adults, good wagee. 8-6103.

COMPTOMETER OPERATOR experienced, between ages 20 30. Downtown noeltion. 35 hour week. Excellent pay. Opportunity for advancement.

Comptometer School, 145 State St. Tel. 4-3213. CHALLENGING opp. for sales minded career woman to gO Into business for backed by company capital and with a guaranteed Income over 330 weekly to start.

Open only to business women ARA 30 to 40 with Inspirational personality. Box 372 Union Office. CLERK TYPIST single. One who enjoys meeting people. Box 357 Union Office, CAPABLE girl or woman for general house.

work. Tanglewood for aummer. $15 per week, Box 356. Union Office. DO YOU find it difficult making ends meet today? We have a part-time Incomo plan to help you.

Neat appearance and few hours per day will qualify you. Phone 2-5935 for appt. EXPERIENCED PARTLY EXPER. GIRLS SEWING MACHINE STITCHERS STEADY WORK APPLY AT ONCE HAMPDEN FACTORY OUTLET 62 HAMPDEN ST. STENOGRAPHER with some knowledge bookkeeping preferred.

Part time. Box 368 Union Office, SILK WOOL pressare 1 spotter. Ton' $2 per hour. Full or part time. BonCleaners.

13 Adams St. SECRETARY-TYPIST between 25 40. Experienced in paper industry desirable. Must be able to take dictation should have experience in use of or dictaphone. Reference required.

Box 3175 Union Office. SODA fountain position for young lady over 21 yrs. of age. Experience not necessary. See Mr.

Loomis. Liggett Drug Co. 1411 Main St. TWO girls for part time work In lunch cart. Orchard Beach, Pasco I.

0. WOMEN crew managers a and saleswomen for national advertised products. Make better than average income. In person apply 500 Enfeld T' Ville. Conn.

WAITRESS wanted. Apply Vernon Shoppe. 52 Vernon St. WAITRESS WANTED for day shift. Must be 21.

Good salary, tips meals. Apply in person. Valley View Restaurant. State Lide. Thompsonville, Conn.

WAITRESSES CHAMBERMAIDS PASTRY WOMAN A EMPLOYMENT. 1862 MAIN ST. WAITRESS counter girl, day work. Rick's corner Dwight Worthington Sta. WOMAN COOK short order cook.

part time. Apply Rick's, corner Dwight and Worthington Sta. WANTED exper. girl, good typist for gen. office work.

Congenial surroundings, good Day. Valley Mfg. Co. Birnie Spild. No WOMAN aged 25-50 for unusual business.

parties or canvassing. Best hours 5-9 p. ID. Just own operate 8 car in a have need for as much as income week. For personal interview Tel.

Catherine Bray, East Hampton 985312 be fore 12 noon. YOUNG dren woman or girl to help with housework. Must live in. Pleasant home. Swimming nearby.

Ample free time. Tel. 7-8354. YOUNG GIRL to assist with housework, in family. live in.

Tel. 4-6503. Male Help Salary 31 A Bus boy resort hotel yra." season late Oct. "Hanley Serv. 215 Dwight." AT ONCE Head wAiter, charge of main dining rm.

co*cktail lounge. "Hanley Serv. 215 Dwight St." ARE you the man who is looking for quick work results? I If you can put in fair day's can guarantee you better than average day. Customers are waiting for this proposition. For information Bee Ar.

Lang at 93 State St. BOON as possible. ATTENDANT. Gas station, with some mechanical experience. Major Oil 148 Walnut St.

ATTENDANT for service station. Must he experienced in lubrication tire work. No work Sundays or holidays. Engelson's, 2283 Columbus Ave, ASST. MANAGER: Large Finance Co.

cellent Opportunity for right man. Single, high school good appearance. Must have car. business experience preferred. Box 371 Union Office.

AMBITIOUS young man with selling ability to work AR Rates representative for territory. Good salary while In training, comm. after training has been completed, transportation turn. Some evenIng work nec. Excellent opportunity for advancement to managerial position.

Apply in person. Singer Sewing Machine 1337: Main St. AMBITIOUS MAN with some. college ground. Car necessary.

Age 22 to 29. Interested in sales and sales personnel management career. National concern. For inshort terview reply Box 3470 Union Office giving resume. A-1 CARPENTER for framing finish.

Small new homes. Tel. 3-4050. A etc. MAN 53-60 yrs.

old for hounecleaning. in a rooming house. Mra. Field, 68 Temple St. inson Auto Body, 131 Bliss St.

W. S. immed. Steady work. Gond wages.

RobAUTOMOBILE -Metal man. Exp. wanted AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted. enced only. Prince 234 East Main Westfield: BOY, grocery store, part time, 1123 Dwight St.

BARBER wanted. Steady job. Angelo's Barber Shop, 1897 Main St. BODY MAN for glass replacemen dow door adiustments tightening work. Seat cover upholstry exper.

imnortant but not essential. Good income for richt man. Apply in peraon. Balise Motor Sales 603 Columbus Mass. BARBER WANTED.

Call 4-2787 after p. m. BOY HELPER wanted. Mill End Shop, 1709 Main St. Vinny's Shop.

21 Stevens E. Mondays off. Must be first class. Spfid, BARBER Wanted Part or full time. 2662 Main st.

Phone 3-6008 anytime. COOKS WAITERS PASTRY COOK ABC EMPLOYMENT. 1862 2 MAIN ST. COLLECTORS WANTED Full or part time. Apply 41 Lyman St.

DIE MAKER for folding box company. Must he A-1 exp. man. Top wages. Out of town.

Box 366 Union Office. DEMONSTRATOR. AVerage $100 wkly. $50 salary, comm. Car needed.

Box 3460 Union Office. DISHWASHER- Night shift, good salary, meals, apply in person. Valley View Restaurant. State Line. Conn.

EXPERIENCED tallor-presser. L. Karukin- 97 Cabot St. Holyoke, Tel. Holyoke 2-1289.

ENGINEER 3d. Class License. For steam heating plant. Spfld. Municipal Hosp.

1100 State Tel. 9-2536. men and train I on the Job. Steady work. ROOFING SIDEWALL CO.

will hire have experience as carpenter or Must similar work, 20 Arch a. m. REGISTERED Pharmacist full time for small Drug Store. Box 355 Union Office. SALESMAN, exp.

in sporting goods. Oppor. for advancement to right man. Auto Stores, cor. Worthington Chestnut.

Ask for mgr. SILK WOOL Pressers spotter. Earn up to $2 per hour. Full or tart time, The Bon- Ton Cleaners, 15 Adams St. SEVERAL COLLEGE students appreciative of healthful environment of wide open apaces in high altitude, willing, and not afraid of hard work, will find pleasant and nicely remunerative vacational employment with us during our coming blueberry harvesting season.

Real opportunity dor real boys. Come and RPG for yourself. Joseph A. North Blandford. SOLICITOR -ESTIMATOR.

Local, tance moving. Storage household goods, general commodities. Opportunity. for aggressive man with good following: field. Western Bass.

territory. Should have car. State in confidence qualifications, experience, references. desired' starting salary. Write Sales Manager, P.

O. Box 1894, Hartford, Connecticut. -SALESMENIt's new--It's terrific. One of the fastest selling house-to-house religions items to hit the country. Sells for small weekly payments.

Present men earning large sion, New crew being started. $1 per hour to start if you qualify. Apply Senak Co. of America. 93 Bridge Snfid.

ALES HELP wanted. Virgin field for perlenced salesmen In new home product. with terrific public acceptance in little it any competition. TI you nave been sellinA combination windows. roofing.

Insulation or siding. varuum cleaners and used to big earnings, but are fed up on being told you are the 10th man tha's been here I'm not Interested. Then contact us and see what we have to offer. Good specialty salesmen, leads furnished on well advers tised products. Apply 740 Main West Spfld.

between 8-9 mornings. TEACHERS for summer work on national -saleg campaign. Reply Box 3471 Union Office giving short history. WE HAVE AN opening for a neat ing man to assist heating air 1ng engineer. No experience necessary but must.

be willing to work steady for a motion. This Is an unusual opportunity for right man. Apply in person only--no phone calls, HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 95 TAYLOR ST. 2 MEN for cast iron foundry, chippers floor molders.

Holyoke Casting. 90 Sargent Holyoke. Male -Salesmen SALESMEN- -Distributors of nationally vertised and guaranteed products. panding Sa.Pg force. Needs two men.

Married, Thompsonville car, 25 to 45 years old. Greater area. Prefer men willing to work and learn. Training given. SalAry and commission.

Write background to Box 3459 Union Office. SALESMAN WANTED. Must be neat, ant personality for old reliable appliance atore. Leads furnished must have car. Salary or commission $100 per wk.

for man who qualifies. Write qualifications and Tel. No. to Box 375 Union Office. SALESMAN Our men do not canvass.

All leads turn. are bonafide customers interested in living. Our products are nationally advertised guaranteed. Car nec. We.

will train you. Apply Ace Vacuum Stores, 91 State St. SALESMEN wanted AAA manufacturer, of paints, varnishes, enamels and protector coatings has openings for exnerienced salesmen. Commission basis, nutstanding connectio for men who qualify, ImmedSate interview will be arranged with factory officials. Call Mr.

Louts Stegel. R. noon, 2-5 p. m. at the Hotel Kimball.

Acorn Refining. Ohio. SALESMEN (2) National sales organization opening New England branch. Must have outside selling experience. Local territory open.

Car nAcessary. Salary plus commission, plus expenses. Write qualifications. Box 3469 UnIon Office. SALESMEN: Are you interested In learning specialty selling? Our salesmen were trained by us.

Exclusive state distributor, We have an opening for another man in a local protected territory. Preferably 30- 45 9 years and married. Car essential. Salary and commission. Write Box 3458 Union Office.

UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. men onlymust be clean cut, have sales ability. commission for right man. Car ensential. Apply to Mr.

Leventhal, Thursday ave. at Hotel Charles bet. 6-9 p. m. Help--Male or Female 31 COUPLE, middle no children.

Ilumband to. assist with maintenance. work with director. Wife to asiat cooking at children'e ranch camp, S. 0.

Ormsbee, Director, Brimfield, Mass. Tel. 550 Brimfield. FARMER, caretaker. Some tractor work.

Wife laundry some light house work. $40 wk. Separate 3 rms. furn. apt.

supplied, Joseph Persky, Brookfield, Mass. Malo and Female Help Instruction 3511 U. S. GOV'T JOBS! Start high 8.8 $66.34 week. Qualify NOW.

Thousanda of openIngs despite economy efforts. FREE 40- page book shows jobs, salaries, sample testa. Write Box 3438 Union Office. Situations Wanted -Female 36 ACCURATE typing done at home, Tel. BOOKKEEPER thoroughly experienced.

Ali ledgers, trial balance, payroll taxes. Manufacturing, asaume responsibilities. Box 348 Union Office, COMPETENT colored woman wants part time or day work. Phone 3-0074. EXP.

woman wants housework by day. A. day carfare. Box 358 Union Office. GENERAL OFFICE work, typing, filing, shorthand, bookkeeping.

Exp. Call 6-7033. furnished. 8 miles from Spfld. Buy now.

6-5117 DOLAN-GRADY, 2-3700 107 Bridge from Bridgeway "Springfield's Largest Business Brokere," APARTMENT block. Good income. Buy direct from owner. Box 290 Union Office. A DRUG STORE established business.

Same location 27 years. soda fountain. Complete stock and equipment. be sold right away, Will sacrifice. East Long.

2139, Ed Hinch, Realtor, in new ATTRACTIVE proven opportunity business. for Minimum distributor ment $1100. Should show $100 per week. Tel, 3-9088. A CANDY VARIETY STORE Sacrifice all for $650 cash.

Call 7-8823. BOWLING ALLEY Income $0000 per Jr. Will sell outright or exchange for good 2 family in Forest Park. The Harvey Co. 115 State St.

9-3892. BEST BUY this year. 10 rms. all with furn. near YMCA.

All newly decorated. New hot air furnace, new oil hot water heater, stitch elec. ref. Washing machine. No of work to be done.

inside. Income $300 per mo. Tel. 6-6459. BOWLING ALLEY for sale.

$2500. Call 6-8284. CONFECTIONERY STORE for gale, Cornet store, established 35 years. Ill health. Forced to sacrifice.

Tel. 4-9821. DRY GOODS Established nearly 20 years. Neighborhood store. Fixtures, stock of hosiery, underwear, wash dresses, notions, Hallmark Cards and racks.

etc. Comheat. plete for 182 $9000 cash. Rent $40, Including 4.30 Oakland Call between and 6. DINER Very FOR SALE.

Good business location. reas. Call 2-6826, 3-5 p. m. 9-10 ESTABLISHED roadside restaurant, bus.

liquor license, cabins, doing thriving Must sell. Tel. Huntington 2131. ESTABLISHED beverage route and truck. 318 Good Meadow opportunity for reliable person.

$500. 6-1033 Willimansett. Tel. Spild. evenings.

FOR THE LADIES DOLAN-GRADY LISTINGS CONFECTIONERY STORE--good cornet location. nights. LUNCHEONETTE-small-no Sundaya-No gifts. ete. COMBINATION STORE- cards, wall paper, that needs a OPPORTUNITY--for woman's good cook-restaurant touch.

ments. SMALL vegetables, groceries, no FLORISTS SHOP--good location-women's delight. 6-5117 DOLAN-GRADY 2-3700 107 Bridge St -across from Bridgeway "Springfield's Largest Business Brokers" FOOD Concession-French Fries, Complete Outfit. including 8 ft. sq.

concession booth. Phone Ware 206-W 5,30 P. M. FOR SALE or lease. Golf driving range in heart of city.

Completely equipped, small investment, 4-9261. MODERN shoe repair business. Busy 2 man shop located downtown Landis Equipment. Will sell complete or half interest. Owner has other interests and will sacrifice for quick action.

For full 1n- formation call at 205 Maple St. Holyoke or Tel. Holyoke 5-6589. OPPORTUNITY for fine investment. Val uable track of land.

26 acres. Across meadow Line. Tel. 6-8606. PACKAGE STORE -Must sell due to ness, reas.

price. 718 Enfield Conn. Tel. T'ville. 4598.

RESTAURANT well central. new good business. Sacrifice. 6-8302. THRIVING roadside refreshment stand, on Route 20, with parking APACe cars and with liberal adequate facilities.

Can be purchased lease for $3000. FL CRAFT-1537 MAIN STREET 2-4737 Evenings 2-5149 or 3-8276 TYPEWRITER service, gales. and rental, franchise on three portables. Greeting card and office supplies. Only service store in city not far from Springfield.

Owner has other interests. Sell reasonable. Box 3430 Union Office. THE ITARVEY COMPANY OFFERS YOUR APPROVAL cor. Mail lot order.

printing, stationary includes building $2200. Variety Stores, several to choose at all prices. any location. Grocery meat markets, several that show excellent returns, low price. Restaurant, West nets $110 per week.

Short hours. Reasonable. come Inventory. $30 per $5000. week.

Priced less than actual Dry Goods and A Notions. Walnut St. InBakery Delicatessen. Good location. Low rent.

High profit. $2000. Juvenile furniture. Must sell. Sacrifice at $3300.

Cleaning and laundry store nets $65 per week. Low rent. $2200. Beauty Parlors, several to choose from In all looationa. Inquire, Rowling alleyn nets $3500 per year.

Perfect Condition. $11.500. Roadside Luncheonette, Ware Rd. Beautifully set up. Large returns property and business $10,000.

TIE HARVEY COMPANY 115 STATE STREET 9-3892 VARIETY STORE--Must sell, death in family. 340 Bay St. Open all day, WANTED home for Silver Persian cat, Altered male. Beautiful house pet. Tel.

6-0841 or 7-4716. WOODWORKING Business. Good accounts. Good business loo. 17 Taylor St.

Tel. 4-1812. WILL PURCHASE retail or retail wholesale milk route. State number of quarts delivered daily, location number of customers served. Box 276 Union Office.

YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS LUNCHEONETTE, College town. Fully equipped. Low rent. Lease. Worth $4500.

Sell for $2500. Cash $1600. F. MARRIN 1938 MAIN STREET 0-3945 EVES. 8-6447 Bus.

Opportunities Wantod 39A ANY business or property buying or selling see us. Shah Realty 1818 Main St. CASII for stores, merchandise, fixtures. Binsky, 760 Dwight St. 7-0357, 4-3753.

son Mink Ranch, Somers, Conn. 3183. A STEADY market for old horses. Stanley's Mink Farm, Westfield 1043M. COWS-25 Holsteins making 280 ats.

day. 1 Holstein ball. Must be sold. Small payment down time, Tel. 2-2819.

Shapiro, 574 Chestnut St. EXCELLENT black sex link pullets. 18 wks. old. $2.05 each.

Will deliver, Tel. T'ville 6630. HIGHEST PRICES paid for calves, hogs, James Maspo, 275 School Agawam. 6-7848. NEW HORSEDRAWN McCormick Deering mowers.

Also used National power mower. Westfield Welding 6 Clinton Ave. Tel. Westfleld 113. TRUCKLOAD Lewisburg, -Reg.

Tenn. walking horses Tenn. Best show-pleasure type. John Skibiski. Elizabeth Rock, No.

King Northampton. Tel. 3128. TENN. Walking Horse mare 4 yrs.

old, 14.2 hands: weight 850 chestnut. Good ladies saddle horse. Oak Hill Farm, 600 Tinkham Rd. WANTED--Horses for mink farm. TeL Northampton 651-W4 anytime after 5.

WANTED TO BUY -Herd of dairy cows, aiso yearling heifers. Call Harry Moskowitz, Great Barrington, Mass. WORK Farm tools for sale. John Zielingki, Beaumont Chic. 2 HORSE WAGON, box body, spring seat, mower, steel hay rake, calf pig crate, rig op wheels.

E. A. Stevens, Rt. 63. Leverett.

Tel. Amherst 1062-32. Poultry and Sunniles BETTER price for all kinds of fowl pullets. Superman Poultry Co. 3-2371.

ALL LIVE poultry wanted. Highest prices paid. I. Kaplan, 42 Essex St. A BETTER.

price paid for pullets pour try. United Poultry Market. Tel. 3-0552. BAHY CHICKS started chicks, pullets, pons.

Ready to lay puliets. Pilchs, Elm St. Thompsonville 4730. BABY CHIN poults-ducklings-netting-litter nests and egg grader. Methe Inc.

368 Taylor St. A-1 TOP Prices for large roasting chickens, fowls, broilers, turkeys duck's. F. J. Zelaso.

W. Spild 3-2310 or 7-2327. HIGHEST PRICES paid for all live poultry. Call Mike Superman. 6-2041 or 7-1881.

MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 61 AUCTION Thursday June' 22, at 6.30 p. m. Court Square, Montague, Mass. Pr. walnut twin.

beds springs, walnut desk, 2 O. S. chairs, 4 maple kitchen chairs, maple crib (comp.) 9x12 linoleum, small gar range (white), 6-way floor lamp, 4-pc. bedroom set with I. S.

mattrees stands, rockers. 7-pc. oak breakfast set, studio couch. 9x12 Bigelow rug pad, library table, church pew. steeple clock.

10-pc. set alum. ware Wheavy). 7-pr. drapes, extra good asst.

of dishes glassware, fruit jars, lawn mower, garden tools and many other. articles. Rain, Date: Friday, 23d, at 6.30 p. m. Thia a very clean lot of merchandise.

I'lenty of parking. R. Lizotte Leo Sawin Auctioneer Phone 7359 AT THE CUT RATE HARDWARE Paint $1,79 per gal, washable wallpaper 9c roll, plastic hose, 50 ft. $6.49. steel try wheel barrow $8.73, rubber tire lawnmower $13.89, We rent floor ganders, wall papering supplies, lawn rollers, scoders, elec.

drills WS, 411 St. James 2-9834. ALL WHITE DELUXE KENMORE OIL COOK STOVE Table Top cover atls, perfect cond. SELL CHEAP, 2198 Main. ANTIQUE butlers secretarys, sofa, melodeon, rare chinese dish, choice curio table, VAseS.

Empire table. Tel. 4-8389. ANCHOR Kolstoker In good working tion, 300 lbs. capacity, ARMY-NAVY SURPLUS SHERMAN PAINT.

WHITE ALL COLons $1.90 a gallon. 807 Memorial Ave. ARMY-NAVY SURPLUS Axe, sledge hammers, mattocks, crowbars, shovels. $1 each. Spades, 50c.

Cushion 35c. Post hole digger $2.50. Red paint, $1 gal. Waterproof grey paint 50c a gal. Roof coating 80c a gal.

Barracks bags 50c. swings 50c. Navy hammocks $4. Chicken wire, 16 gauge, 6 ft. high, 450 ft.

roll, $9. Clothesline poles $1.25 to $1. Rubbish $1.50 Tree pruning shears 15 to 20 ft. Jong. $2.

807 Memorial Ave. ACETYLENE a electric arc. new used welding equipment. Taft Welding Equipment Co. 3171 Main St.

Tel. 4-5709. ALL KINDS NEW. used ash, rubbish garbage Localized. cana, Dube'1 of drums, Barrel faucets Yard, Switzer stands Ave.

We deliver promptly. Call 6-8016. BABY CARRIAGE -Thayer. 42 Morgan St. 3d floor.

192 SQ. FT. of Inch' plyboard. Like new. Tel, 3-1418 eves.

BABY CARRIAGE play pen. Tel. morninas. 9-1861. COMPARE THESE VALUES Flat rim.

enamel, steel sinks, 14x20- 18x24, 18x30, $6.95: 30 gal. water heater $04.40. copper tubing 60 ft. coils f2c hard temper copper tubing, 20 ft. lengths, ft.

Brase C. P. combination faucets $4.05, 6 ft. O. I.

recess tuba $61.35. LOW SUPPLY 243 Worthington St. Tel. 8-2175 EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT--Special week only $2.49 gallon. White and several colora to choose from.

Ideal for summer camp. T. D. THIBERT LUMBER CO. 60 Island Pond Rd.

Tel, 4-5601 EDISON maple crib, Regular size. Excellent cond. Call 7-1813. ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT 1 MO. $5.50, 2 MOS, $6.50 WITH ATTACHMENTS.

TEL. 4-2449. FLOOR SANDING outfit. floor sander, edger, pollaher. $500, 4-1025.

FREE ITSE OF With order of 5 gal, Pittsburg Outside 664 Dwight St. Phone 4-2262 paint at $3.95 gal. General Hardware are Co. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT LARGEST DISPLAY IN NEW ENGLAND 2 SALES ROOMS CHUCKED FULL FRANK STEIN SONS, INC. 32-34 HAMPDEN SPRINGFIELD 6 CASE 512 High Holyoke.

Master Electric Coco-Cola very good condition. $50. See at 119 Elma Northampton. 133 DR. STEEL Addressograph Cabinet, large Burroughs elec.

bookkeeping chine. steel bookkeeping trays, Remington and Allen adding machines, steel of wood desks. new or used in flat top, sin gie or double pedestal. secretarial. roll top.

high shippers desks, chairs of all sorts, filing cabinets, Kardex files, etc. Holyoke Auction 521 High yoke. Tel. 2-5985. Boats and Accessories 53 A 5 HP twin outboard automatic rewind Will sacrifice.

Call Chic. 1490 M. AMERICA'S Finest outboard motor la Mer4 cury. Harold A. King 6-8776.

ADIRONDACK SKIFF-13 ft. all accessories $75. Tel. 6-7233. BASSETT, BAIT BOAT authorized Johnson Sea-Horse Dealer.

parts for all makes of outboard motors. Rentals, used motors, Thompson Boats, Cartops, canoes, runabouts rowboats. Have your motor tuned-up. Don't let a faulty motor ruin your vacation! 46 BERKSHIRE AVE. TEL.

4-8364 CHRIS CRAFT motor boats, Scott Atwater outboard motors. Hagerty sea shells. Dupont marine plant, camp, boat utility trailers. Marine supplies rope. field.

Chris Craft Marine, 470 Main. 7-2483 EVINRUDE 1947 outboard motor, H. P. Good cond, Reas. Main St.

0., 3d flr. right. EVINRUDE fastwin, 14 h.p. now in stock. Come in let us demonstrate Lyman Old Town Wolverine Boats.

Marine paint. Open eves. til 8 DeMontigny Sale 833 State. FINE selection of used motors at Pepin's Sports Center, Martin Outboard Sales Service. Boats, Trailers, 452 Main St.

West Spfld. Tel. 7-9386. GRUMMAN and Old Town Boats Canoes. Used Boats Canoes.

Massasoit Canoe Liverty. 895 Alden KINGCRAFT EVENRUDE for fun this summer. Lawrenca N. King. Southwick 144.

MERCURY outboard sales service at land Marine Center, 897 Carew St. 9-0900. Nationally famous boats, brand new, but discontinued models, we bought them low. we sell them low. Save $30, to $40, guaranteed perfect.

New models out in 2 weeks. New used Evinrude motors, Century, Penn Yan, Wolverine. Old Town boats, Gibbs 'Sea Skiff Inboard $693 complete. Largest stock of marine accessories In Western Mass. Wholesale and retail.

Beique Boat Sales 259 Appleton Holyoke. THOMPSON Outboard Motor Boat, Can he seen at the Holyoke Cove. Name of boat "Roamer." Tel. Holyoke 9703. 22 HP EVENRUDE motor practically new.

Reasonable 34 Lancaster Ave. Tel. 1-3203 or Building Materials 51 ANCHOR BOLTS, eyebolts, lintels, manhole steps. pipe clamps, porch rails, tom-made brackets for heating and electrical suspensions. Iron work and smithing.

M. J. Harrigan Son, $6 Sharon St. A1 WELL TILE high, 34" wide. Wells dug cleaned.

Tel. Ludlow 2573 or 628 BATH TUBS (4), 41 ft. long. and 5. ft.

long. Sinks gas heaters. Also complete bath-room set. 6-9178, 8-9076. CONN.


4-6533. CINDERS $1.50 per cu, yd. C.O.D. Tel. 3-4614 or 9-1440.

DOORS--And jambs. all sizos Including hardware. Perfect cond. Chicopee 1120. DOORS grade A-1 two panel.

let quality. Inside $8.50. Outside $10.50. Wholesaler. 9: Broad St.

DO DOORS Inside grade $8.50. A-1 Outside two $10.50. panel, 1st Wholesaler. quality. Broad St.

GARAGES Complete materials for 12'x21' garage Including: 210 pound weight asphalt shinglea (NEW), overhead sectional door 8'x7' (NAW). Complete with all hardware, one sash, all frame lumber and boarding. ALL THIS FOR ONLY $198.50 Material for 2 car garage. 20 $329.50 SPRINGFIELD WRECKING CO. Old Reliable" 62 OSGOOD ST.

TEL. 9-5696 CURRENT VALUES Windows and frames $10 to $11 each Oak flooring per bd. ft. Select fir flooring '(long lengths) per bd. ft.

Cedar clapboard (long bundles) per bd. ft. N. Roofers per bd. ft.

Surplus Boards per bd. ft. High quality doors 1 to $27.50 each Western novelty siding per nd. ft surple bd. prices 20 cordial per lin.

ft. Consider these a Invitation come In and cut your building costs remendously, Plywood. Insulation. fir and southern pine raming, shingles, siding nails, wooden eave rough, cedar panel boarda, combination torm doors, windows and flagatone. ALWAYS COST LESS HERE SURPLUS LUMBER CORP.

300 Albany (Oft St. James Ave.) Tel. 7.50,38 QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS! Save money by using dependable building materials. Douglas Fir framing. N.

C. pine matched boards, windows and frames plete doors of all kinds, Insulations. rock lath. nails. oak flooring and all other terials for your new home.

CHECK OUR PRICES! Union Lumber Supply 15 Dale St. Tel. 3-8570. EADY MIX concrete, overhead fArACO doors. 8 7, $53.

Ludlow 321. Solid. 8-1602 A 3:.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.