Integrated Family Services, PLLC hiring Mobile Crisis Regional Case Manager-FT-PP, AP, QP -1st Shift in Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States | LinkedIn (2024)

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Integrated Family Services, PLLC hiring Mobile Crisis Regional Case Manager-FT-PP, AP, QP -1st Shift in Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States | LinkedIn (1)

Mobile Crisis Regional Case Manager-FT-PP, AP, QP -1st Shift

Integrated Family Services, PLLC Jacksonville, NC

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Integrated Family Services, PLLC Jacksonville, NC

6 months ago

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NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. The Mobile Crisis Worker Regional Case Manager – PP, AP, or QP - is responsible for providing all support, services, and treatments necessary to provide integrated crisis response, crisis stabilization, interventions, and crisis prevention activities. The Mobile Crisis Worker Regional Case Managers provide the next day follow up, linkage to therapeutic services and resources as well as appropriate transition/discharge. The Mobile Crisis Worker Regional Case Manager will be available to provide immediate evaluation, triage, and access to acute mental health, developmental disabilities, and/or substance abuse services, treatment, and supports to effect symptom reduction, harm reduction, and/or to safely transition persons in acute crises to appropriate crisis stabilization and detoxification supports/services. In addition, the Mobile Crisis Worker Regional Case Manager will be responsible for immediate telephonic response to assess the crisis and determine risks, mental status, medical stability, and appropriate response.

Must possess the following knowledge/skills: strong knowledge of available community resources; psycho-educational skills; strong individual and group counseling skills; strong assessment skills; strong community integration skills; strong family/caregivers training and consultation skills; strong mentoring skills; strong mediation skills; strong adaptive skill training in all functional domains including vocational, educational, personal care, domestic, social, communication, leisure, problem-solving, etc.; strong behavioral crisis and modeling intervention skills; strong motivational interviewing skills; competency in Wellness Education and symptom management issues, cognitive behavioral therapy interventions and cultural competence.

Job Duties

  • Complete next day follow-up with individuals in their region within 24 hours of their initial crisis response
  • Refer and link the individual served to therapeutic services and resources as recommended by LCSW to address their identified needs.
  • Monitor and follow up with implemented strategies and plans to ensure that the plan is effectively implemented and adequately addressing the needs of the client.
  • Attend daily clinical staffings with supervisor to ensure that case is appropriately linked and transitioned/discharged.
  • Responsible for appropriately assessing clients who are experiencing mental health, developmental disability, and/or substance abuse crisis.
  • Responsible for identifying appropriate natural supports or community resources to stabilize the individual’s crisis.
  • Responsible for ensuring the overall safety of the client, their families and the community.
  • Responsible for networking with other community agencies to ensure effective care across the service delivery continuum.
  • Maintains the consumer’s file to ensure that appropriate Medicaid and agency standards are met.
  • Participate in mobile crisis supervision and meetings as scheduled.
  • Works directly with clients and primary caregivers (individually or groups) in a natural setting (home, school, etc.) on functional problems that occur in that setting. Focus on assisting the client in preventing, overcoming or managing functional deficits in school, home or in assisting the primary caregiver in acquiring the skills needed to assist the client in all functional domains: vocational, educational, personal care, domestic, psychosocial, communication, problem solving, adaptive, etc.
  • Provide various skill building activities to clients and their caregivers in the following areas: daily and community living skills socialization, adaptation skills, symptom management skills, wellness education, education substance abuse and behavior and anger management techniques, etc.
  • Provide service coordinator activities within the established Person-Centered plan, referral linkage, skill building, supportive counseling, and input into the Person-Centered plan modifications.
  • Educates and trains caregivers and others who have a legitimate role in addressing the needs identified in the service plan.
  • Provides individual, group and or crisis intervention counseling.
  • Provides preventive, developmental, and therapeutic interventions designed to direct client activities.
  • Assists with client skill enhancement or acquisition.
  • Support client ongoing treatment and functional gains.
  • Support client as he/she transitions from one setting or level of care to another.
  • Provide first responder crisis response on a 24/7/365 basis to enrolled recipient experiencing a crisis situation.
  • Enhances client communication, problem solving, and anger management skills.
  • Focuses on assisting clients in becoming connected to naturally occurring support systems and relationships in the community including developing and providing support for health and safety factors.
  • Worker must be trained in community support within 90 days of employment.
  • May be required to provide an initial crisis response.
  • May be asked to cover other shifts, if needed
  • Completes all administrative requirements including service documentation in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Adheres to all clinical policies and operating procedures.
  • Ensures compliance with uniform documentation and charting guidelines.
  • Completes performance evaluation with supervising qualified Professional in a complete and timely manner.
  • Signs all treatment record notes as required.
  • Attends staff meetings, clinical team meetings and training/events as assigned.
  • Attends continuing education per licensing requirements and as relevant to job duties.
  • Attends a minimum of 2 hours of cultural competency continuing education per year.
  • Completes annual adult CPR and First Aid certification courses.
  • Completes any other required competencies as outlined by the Human Resource Department for all staff.
  • Other duties as assigned.

ScheduleFulltime: 40 hours plus per week. Fulltime Mobile Crisis Workers may also be required to work On-Call hours at least one week or two weekends per month and will be paid at On-Call rates for on-call hours worked. The Mobile Crisis Worker may be required to cover shifts other than their regular assigned work shift if services and extenuating circ*mstances deem necessary.

Shifts: 1 st shift – 7am – 4pm

Qualifications, Education And Experience Requirements

  • A minimum of one year’s experience in providing crisis intervention services in the following settings: assertive outreach, assertive community treatment, emergency department, or other services providing 24/7 response in emergent or urgent situations AND twenty (20) hours of training in appropriate crisis intervention strategies within the first 90 days of employment.
  • No criminal convictions of child abuse or violent crimes.
  • Must possess a valid driver's license.
  • Must be able to keep strict confidentiality and work with diverse populations.

PP – (Paraprofessional)

  • Individual is twenty-one years of age or older and has received a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.
  • Upon hiring an individualized supervision plan will be developed and supervision shall be provided by a qualified professional with the population served A minimum of one year’s experience in providing crisis management services in the following settings: assertive outreach, assertive community treatment, emergency department, or other services providing 24/7 response in emergent or urgent situations AND twenty (20) hours of training in appropriate crisis intervention strategies within the first 90 days of employment.
  • Non licensed staff must have appropriate training and experience.
  • No criminal convictions of child abuse or violent crimes.
  • Must have a valid Driver’s License and basic auto insurance.

AP – (Associate Professional)

  • g raduate of a college or uni ve r s ity w ith a mas ter’s d egree in a human se r vice fi e l d w i th l ess than one year of full-time , po s t-graduate deg re e acc umul a t ed mh / dd/sa expe ri e n ce with the popu l atio n se rv ed, or a s ub s t ance ab u se profes s i o n a l with less th an o n e year of full-time , po st-grad uate d eg r ee accumulated su p erv i se d ex per ie n ce in a l co holi sm an d dru g abuse cou n se l i n g . Sup erv i s i on plan will be put in place and s hall be provided by a q u a lifi e d pro fess i onal w i th the popu l ation se rv ed until th e indi v idu a l meet s o n e year of experience. The s upervi so r and the em p l oy ee s h a ll develop a n indi v idu alized s up ervis i on plan u po n hiring. The p art i es s h all rev i ew th e p l a n annually; or
  • gra du ate of a co ll ege o r univ ers it y w ith a bachelor' s d eg re e in a human se r v i ce fi e ld w ith l ess than two yea r s o f full - tim e , post -ba c h e l or ' s d egree accumulat ed mh / dd /s a ex perience w i t h the popu l a tion se r ved, o r a s ub s tanc e abu se profe ss i o nal wit h l ess th a n two years of full-tim e, po st - ba c h e l or's d egree accumulated superv i sed expe ri e n ce i n alco holi s m and drug ab u s e co un se lin g . S up e rvi s i on plan will be put in place and s h a ll be prov id ed by a qualified p r ofess i onal w i t h th e population served unti l t h e indi vi du al meets t wo yea r s o f exper i e nc e. Th e s up e rvi s or and th e e mpl oyee s hall deve l o p an indi vidual i ze d s up erv i s i on p l an up o n hirin g. The part i es sha ll r ev iew th e plan an nu ally; o r
  • gra duat e of a co ll ege or univ e r s it y w ith a ba c h e l or's degree in a fie ld o th e r than human services w ith l ess than four years of fu ll- t i me , post - bach elo r 's d eg r ee acc umulat e d mh/d d/sa ex pe r ience wi th th e p o pu l ati o n se rved , o r a s ub s tance abuse professional with l ess than four ye a r s of full-time , po st- b ac h e l o r 's d eg r ee accu mu l ated s uperv i sed experience in alcoholi s m and drug abu se co un se lin g . Supervision plan will be put in place and s ha ll b e provided by a q ualifi ed professional wit h th e population serve d until th e ind i v idu al m ee t s four yea r s of expe ri e n ce. The s upervisor and the e mplo yee s h a ll develop an individualized supervision plan upon hiring. The parties shall review the plan annu ally; o r
  • r eg i s tered n urse w h o i s li ce n sed t o pract i ce i n th e State of N orth Carolina by t h e No rth Caro li na Board of Nursin g with le ss th an four years of full-t i m e accum ulat ed expe ri e n ce in mh/dd /sa with th e popu l ation served . S up erv i s i o n plan will be put in place and s hall be p r ov id e d b y a qu a lifi e d prof ess ion a l wit h t h e population serve d until th e in div idu al meet s fou r years of expe r ience. Th e superv i s or and th e emp lo yee s h a ll d eve l op an ind ivi du a li zed supervision plan upon hiring . Th e parti es s hall r ev i ew th e plan annuall y.

QP – (Qualified Professional)

  • An individual who holds a license, provisional license, certificate, registration or permit issued by the governing board regulating a human service profession, except a registered nurse who is licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina by the North Carolina Board of Nursing who also has four years of full time accumulated experience in mh/dd/sa with the population served; or
  • A graduate of a college or university with a Master’s degree in a human service field and has one year of full time, pre- or post-graduate degree accumulated mh/dd/sa experience with the population served, or a substance abuse professional who has one year of full time, pre- or post graduate degree accumulated supervised experience in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling; or
  • A graduate of a college or university with a bachelor’s degree in a human service-related field and has two years of full time, pre- or post-bachelor’s degree accumulated mh/dd/sa experience with the population served, or a substance abuse professional who has two years of full time, pre- or post-bachelor’s degree accumulated supervised experience in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling; or
  • A graduate of a college or university with a bachelor’s degree in a field other than human services and has four years of full time, pre- or post-bachelor’s degree accumulated mh/dd/sa experience with the population served, or a substance abuse professional who has four years of full time, pre- or post-bachelor’s degree accumulated supervised experience in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling.

Benefits In addition to competitive salaries and opportunities for advancement, full-time employees are offered a wide range of benefits to meet their individual needs, which includes:

  • Medical, Vision, Dental Insurance.
  • Life Insurance (Paid by Company).
  • PTO (Paid Time Off).
  • Paid Holidays.
  • Longevity Pay
  • 401K Retirement Plan.
  • Funeral Leave.
  • FMLA.
  • Supplemental Insurance offering through Aflac with Payroll Deduction.
  • Direct Deposit.
  • Training Opportunities.
  • Continuing Education Leave for Licensed Professionals (opportunity to gain free CEU’s).
  • Free Clinical Supervision in Greenville (LCSWA/LCASA/CSAC).

First Shift - 7am - 4pm

  • Seniority level

    Entry level
  • Employment type

  • Job function

  • Industries

    Individual and Family Services

Integrated Family Services, PLLC hiring Mobile Crisis Regional Case Manager-FT-PP, AP, QP -1st Shift in Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States | LinkedIn (8) Integrated Family Services, PLLC hiring Mobile Crisis Regional Case Manager-FT-PP, AP, QP -1st Shift in Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States | LinkedIn (9) Integrated Family Services, PLLC hiring Mobile Crisis Regional Case Manager-FT-PP, AP, QP -1st Shift in Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States | LinkedIn (10)

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Integrated Family Services, PLLC hiring Mobile Crisis Regional Case Manager-FT-PP, AP, QP -1st Shift in Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States | LinkedIn (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.