Cassville Republican from Cassville, Missouri (2024)

--Vr' t'-k -rWlcV Wm. Garrison and family have moved to Aurora. There was to have been a double wedding on Rock House, Wednesday, but the parties, Ed Duncan and Miss Lvdia Wisdom, and Grant Taylor and Miss Paulina Wisdom, failed to procure license on aecount of the vacancy in the recorder's office, and started Thursday for Eureka Springs, coming back two instead of four. Those who failed to see the beautiful, fragrant night blooming cereus at Silas Smith's some five weeks ago, impatiently awaited the advent of bloom No. 2, which occurred Thursday night.

Amid fragrance and maj pleasant hours were spent by those who gathered to wituess the opening of the flower. S. "Washburn. Old man Franklin has gone to Kansas on a visit. The mill that was to be erected at Washburn will not materialize.

W. II. Guiles has bought seven acres ot Jas. Franklin's Washburn property; consideration, $350. Miss Merrill Moffat, who has been visiting her Grandpa Malfatt.

leaves tomorrow for her home in Paris, Tex. Reverend Moffatt is improving slowly. P. R's wife and oldest son, Frank have been on the sick list a few days. Two men passed through Washburn the Hind, from Webb City, looking for a man who had fled for crookedness.

The Washburn and Rock Spring jlJjPl Queensware, Stoneware, Tin- smk ware' Farming jwk TCH ELL'S Mitchell's grand display of Furniture Is now presented for inspection by The public in the Hotel Barry block. He has Chairs, Rockers, Tables, Sofas, Beds, Hat Racks, Safes, Bed Room Suites, etc.4, and just the selection you want. Latest designs in Wall Paper, Borders etc. Large line Coffins and Undertaker's supplies- i Agency for School Desks. Y0V ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT MY NEW SIMMONS REGU LATO Reader, did you ever take SraoiONS Liver Regulatok, the "King of Liver medicines Every body needs take a liver remedy.

It is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dulL heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole system. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is better than Pills.

It does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every package has the Red stamp on the wrapper. J. II. Zeiliu Philadelphia.

soft ground. The road bed should be made rounding so that no water will remain thereon. A man to build a good and durable road shouldhavein-genuity enough to understand what is required and badly needed. li. walker.

Washburn, Mo. It is a big thing to say but neverthe less true, that a great multitude of people have crowned Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King of Liver Medicines." There is nothing like it for Malaria, Rheumatism, Chills and Fe ver, Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Indigestion and all troubles arising from a sluggish or diseased liver. Simmons Liver Regulator is the prevention and cure for these ailments. Free Scholarship. Notie" is lmreby Kiven that on the 5th day ot August, 1X, there will be held at the court house in tJitssville, a competitive examination of all applicants for the Free Scholarship in the State University, grant- ru uiitiiT provisions oi oi me rice Scholarship Act (Laws of 1805, p.

280). Alt muut be residents of IJarry County anrt shall meet the requirements for entrance in iIih academic (Icrtartmetit of the University. in uion will besrm at lu iK) clock a. m. Lafayette Atkisson, 51-52 County Clerk.

University of the State Missouri. Notice is hereby fjiven that under provisions of rec. Hixi, s. 18W, Harry County is entitled to 17 students between the ases of sixteen and twenty-rive years, in the departments of the University of the State of Missouri, examinations lor admission will be held at Columbia, September 5th, 6th, 7th and yth. The session will begin Tuesday, September loth, 18U5, and continue until tlie llrst Wednesday in June, except that of the school or Mines and Metallurgy which will bejrin and end one week later.

Kadi senator and Representative in the General Assembly is authorized to appoint one cadet, who, after passing the required examinations, is entitled to be admitted free of tuition or contingent fees. Under the provisions of an act of the last (ieneral Assembly, Harry County is entitled to one free scholarship in any department. The requirements for admission may be found in the University catalogue for the current vear, which can ne secured by ap plying to the University Librarian at Colum bia. ATKI8SON, 51 -52 County Clerk come from wearing "UaltoYour Foot Glad" It's as comfortable as can be and -wonderfully durable. Selz Royal Blue $4.00 Shoe la the best you can get.

Botb made by Selz, Schwab Chicago, largest manuiacturers or shoes in united ciaica AT YOUR DEALERS. In Hard Luck The man who can not secure money enough to buy one of our $12.25 Imported Clay Worsted Cutaway Coat and Vest. Made to your order. PANTS FROM $3 i) 1 PLYMOUTH ROCK Successors to the riym outn kock I'ants CO. TURRENTINE, Agent, Cassville, Missouri.

H. UlhhS WHtttf 11 fISt- fAilS. Best Coimb Syrup. Tiutles Good. Vi in tuna, foia tiy ttniirsnsts.

TP liWf EXETER MARBLE WORKS American and Italian Marble Monuments a specialty. Granite Monuments Made on Specail Order. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO BE FIRST-CLASS I. W. DANIEL, PROP'R.

Exeter, Mo. Mrs. V. J. Roach, Kilbourne, 111.

That Tired Feeling lx)ss of appetite, sleeplessness, and continual Hendnch troubled me greatly. Last April I Sarsa- parilla concluded to try Flood's -tCC? Sarsaparllla and now my troubles are all gone. I Ss gave Hood's Sarsapa- rilla to my baby, 8 for sores on his body, and it cured him. Mits. W.

J. Roach. "Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. 25c. CORRESPONDENCE.

Xings Prairie. The farmers are cutting rras this week. 1M JJetlertou and Victor Zinn went to t.VssvilJe last week. Thomas Caltmi was threshing wheat on the 1'raiiie last week. Miss Iteheeca J'olton was visiting: H'-ttifl invlay.

Ilev. Si'iirsilill j-readieti an interesting sermon at l'leasant Kidg-e cliureli. Wheat is damaged nearly one third on the I'rairie, owing to so much wet weather. The fruit crop is extra good. Apples, plurns and grapes are in abundance iu this vicinity.

James Black commenced his school at Pleasant Kidge a few days ago. James is an able teacher and well qualified for the business. A large attendance. Robert Diunniit of Kings I'rairie was iu our vicinity this week buying calves. We suppose cattle are on the boom since the Republicans won in the elections.

Honest Auk. Shell Knob. Wheat stacking is about through, and the farmers have had fine weather for stacking and saving their hay. A great many of our young folks went to Viola the 20th to enjoy the last day of the base ball game and harvest picnic. One fight reported and others brewing.

July 14, our people were on the war path. You could tee men going with guns, revolvers and most anything to make fight. Women, men, boys and girls were all at a high state of excitement. A wild man had been seen near the residence of A. F.

Cooper. They were absent on a visit but had left the children at home. About o'clock his (laughter, aged 13, in company with her cousin, went after potatoes when the wild man charged upon them. A race took place and general confusion spread over the district, which did not abate until it was found out that the wild man was only the 11-year-old son of A. Cooper with his pa's pants and and a false moustache on.

By sun down all was peace and no one crip pled. John Quincy. Exeter. It. W.

Wisecup will begin teaching at Durham, Monday. Rev. Campbell filled his appoint ment at the church, Sunday. Robert Lauderdale has been quite sick for the past week, but is some ietter at present. Arnel Doyle departed for White lloek, Texas, Saturday evening, wnere ne nas secured worK.

C. M. Hartley is back home from Cameron, I. where he was sent to relieve Ueo. Green, the agent at that place.

Ab. McClure is home again after a week's stay at Garfield, where he has been clerking in his father's store. Uncle Perry Ferguson, living on Shoal Creek, died Sunday evening and was buried in the Concord Ceme tery, Newsboy. Mineral Springs. J.

Walter Cook was here, Saturday, on uusiness. Geo. Meeks and family, ot the Na tion, are visiting the former's brother, Jt. j. weeKs.

Harve Pasley is to appear before 'Squire rveeley, Wednesday, to an swer lor uisturning religious worship. IjAteu A change of venue was taken to 'Squire John W. Phillips, of i alley. Born, to Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Gipson, the 14th, a daughter. Dick came from Schell City, Friday, to see nis nrsr corn mil departed the next uay. We were visited by a local downpour of 1.123 inches of rain, Sunday af ternoon, winch lell in less than an hour, while one mile east there was no rain, neither at Talbert's cave sev oral miles northwest. Mrs. Anna liludorn and little daughter, Maud, ol Chicago, arrived last week to spend the summer in health-giving regions.

Mrs. Jilu- dorn's lather, A. Sparlin, who had been visiting iier, returned home at the same time Miss Nettie Brown, of Cassville. makes semi-weekly trips to the Spring to water for her iuvalid mother. She was accompanied Monday bv Mis Annie Hermann.

After taking in Km-k House cave in the morning Ihey part of the day visiting i no city. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, who luu i isitiug their daughter. Mrs Kate Carlton, and testing the healing Miiawuea i.i nif water, nave returned their home in Pittsfourir.

hut Mrs. Carlton has received won! her father, with Ids son and daugh ter-in-law, are on their way to this place. Mood McPheeters Bates. base ball nines crossed bats here Saturday which resulted in a victory for the Washburns. In 'Snuire McCary's court Wm.

Wells plead ffuilty to stealing two wagon sheets and was remanded back to jail thirty days. The household goods of four Iowa families are being unloaded at Wash burn. The families are driving through with teams. There are a lot of boys and some who think themselves men, who gather on Sunday and amuse themselves playing base ball, which should be discontinued. Miss Clara Ross and Miss Ada Stark are arranging the building for merly occupied by Mrs.

Brown preparatory to putting in a stock of millinery and dress making goods. Black Bro's have their new build ing inclosed and floored, and had it dedicated with a dance Saturday night, which they say extended into the Sacred Day. They say tbey did not break the Sabbath just bent it very badly. Otis Wethers and Jesse Hick ox re turned from the Indian Nation, Thursdav. As they did not stand iu with Hoke Smith they did not close their lease.

Jo and Pete Sage have also returned from the Nation. They came home on a grunters furlough. John Sullivan arrested George Lockwood and his brother and Henry Cooper for concealing stolen goods and put them under bond of $-00 each lor their appearance at court, which they failed to give ana will have to go to Hotel de Lamar to board for the time being. The berry season is about over, ex cept blacKberries. There have been 2580 crates shipped from here, which multiplied by 4 you have gallons.

This might all be consumed at home if we had a canning factory, besides the corn, tomatoes, beans and many fruits, such as apples, peaches, plums, cherries, that could be put up. Through some mistake, George Hurd'a berry report was left out. As he is one of the largest shippers from here we should not ignore his ship ment. He has in about twenty-seven acres of raspberries and will have that amount to pick over next year. He only picked about twelve or fifteen acres this year and shipped 500 crates of raspberries, beside thirteen crates of dewberries, fourteen crates of strawberries and a few crates of huck leberries.

B. Madry. T. D. Lupton is suffering with rheu matism.

Virgil Overstreet of Lawrence Coun ty is visiting J. A. Williams and fam ily of Clay Hill. Robert and Will Stone have come home from Colorado where they have been railroading. The farmers have about got their hay up, and the hum of the thresher is heard on all sides.

W. A. Hubbard and family were visiting at W. A's father's the last of the week, in Lawrence County. Joseph Cavener.

son of Rev. W. Cavener, has gone to Texas to make it his future home. w. W.

Cavener will also move to Texas the first of Octo ber. It is with sorrow that we report the death oi LiUtner nis, son ol A. D. El lis, who died July 19th, aged 14 years. Luther was sick only two days and died of heart failure.

Luther will be missed by his many friends in Sunday school and elsewhere. He was a bright boy and the future was bright for him. His remains were conveyed to the Forbis cemetery where they were laid to rest. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. John Thomas.

Bro. Ellis and family have the sympathy ol the entire community. Mike. Walker on Good Roads. Editor Republican: Good roads is a very important sub.

ject and I am glad that the people are Decomintr interestea in tnein. At the same time I think they will have to make mtrerent laws before the roads will be materially chang-ed and a dif ferent set 01 pathmakers appointed You may vote and donate all the mon ey in Cassville and Washburn and pay it out to incompetent overseers ana it will avail nothinr. The maior ity of them construct ditches with which to confine the water to the center of the road rather than get it away iiom the road. When they do construct ditches on either side of the road, they, as a rule, dump the dirt just on the bank of the ditch, thus forming a basin, and the water that falls has to run lengthwise of the road and washes lengthwise because it cannot get out. If on anything like level ground it lays there and saturates the road so when there is any travel it becomes cut up as deep us the weight of the wagon or other vehicle will go in Cassville, Missouri.

Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is herebv sriven to all creditors and others, interested in the estate of Nathan Bond, deceased, that 1, W. L. Uuichens, administrator of said estate, intend to make final settlement thereof at the next term of the Probate Court of ISarrv County, State of Missouri, to ba held at Cassville, on the 12th dav of August, 18WS. W.

r. IIutchkjjs, 23-48-51 Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is herebv jriven to all creditors and others interested in the estate of Ceorire W. House that Uebecea House.

Administratrix of said estate, intend to make final settlement thereof at the next term of the Probate Conrt of Harry Countv, State of to be held at Cassville, on the 12th day of MIL'USt, 1W.1, UKBEOCA HOUSK, 23-48-52 Administratrix of Said Kstate. I It is not Paradise, But If you have some cash to spare and are willing to work, financial independence cannot be more surely secured than by buying 'a few acres of irrigated land in Salt River Valley. if This valley is in Southern Arizona, and is noted for its line semi-tropic fruits and superior 69 climate. Horticulturits say that Jg greater profits can be realized here from oranges and grapes 9 than in Florida or California. Physicians nssert that the warm, dry, bracing climate excels, in healing qualities, Italy's balmiest airs.

The great blizzard of 1895 did not blight the tenderest leaf in this protected spot. To get there, take Santa Fc Route to Phoenix, Ariz. via Prescott and the new line, S. F. P.

P. y. Address I. Wishart, G. I.

St. I S. F. R'y, St. Louis, for illustrated folders they tersely tell the story of a remarkable country.

Actual results are given no guesswork or hearsay. It is the Salt River Valley. Probate Court Docket. Docket of Case9 in which Kxecutors, Ad ministrators, Guardians and Curators are due settlements at the August lerm of the Probate Court of Barry County, to be held the office of the Probate Court, Au gust 12th, 1895. FIRST DAY.

Estate. John Anderson, dee'd, II. Horine, Adm'r. Julia E. Bowman, dee'd, J.

Pliant, pun. AUm'r. Mary Easley Ot al, minors, C. G. Kelley, i.

C. Nathan liond, deed, m. i. iiutcnens. Frank Blair, minor, Mary P.

Blair, G. C. Jacob Cook, dee'd, Mary Cook, Adm'x. Austin E. Campbell et al, minors, jU.

i. uainpuen, u. c. Charles A. Dirnit et al, minors, W.

J. Keys, G. C. R. and W.

Daugherty, minors, C. R. Eidson. W. H.

Forbis, dee'd, H. M. Hilton J. C. Wilson, Adru'rs.

Jas. C. Flaherty, dee'd, M. A. Flaherty, Adm'x.

Wm. A. Ferguson, minor, William Ferguson, G. C. Lydia M.

Ilorrall, minor, A. J. Henderson, G. C. Seth Harvey, dee'd, Mark Pluunner, Adm'r.

SECOND DAT. George W. House, dee'd, Rebecca House, Adm'x. Everhart Hadley, dee'd, S. P.

Stapleton, E. J. Hadley, Executors. Richard Hill et al, minors, John W. Bennett, G.

C. John Canfleld et al, minors, H. T. Tandy, G. C.

Desdemona Barcus, minor, J. C. Barcus, G. C. H.

I. Jackson, dee'd, Thos. M. Jackson, Adm'r. Francis T.

Marbut et al, minors, John W. Marbut, G. C. Silas May, minor, Silas May, G. C.

Mary E. Overton et al, miners, Sarah E. Overton, G. C. John Oliver, dee'd, E.

J. Oliver, Executrix. J. J. Overton, dee'd, Adm'r.

Francis Patton, minor, Susan Patlon, G. C. Arthur Stinnett et al, minors, John 11. Stinnett, G. C.

Susan Townseud, dee'd, W. L. Martin, Executor. John Weinzeirl, dee'd, J. F.

Pilant.Pub. Adm'r. J. H. Williams, dee'd, Ira Williams, Adm'r, E.

W. Wright, dee'd, J. F. Pilant, Pub. Adm'r.

Nancy E. Reeves et al, minors, James Roden, G. C. L. BEASX.KT, 49-1 Clerk of Probate.

Gompfaxlcn Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removespreckles, PimpJsa, IJver-Moles, Blackheeis, Sunburn and Tan, and restores the skin to its origi- clear and healthy romfihj plexion. Superior to all preparations ana perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for 50cts. Send for circular.

VIOLA SKIN SOAP 1, implT fooomptrable as skin purifying Soap, unequal) for ihe toilet, anil without a 5ral fer the nurspry. A h-olimlT jnr and delicately medicated. Atdraggit. Prie 25 Cnt. The G.

C. BITTMER, Toledo, O. Specialty. Plastering, Mason Work, Flue Building. Cement Work a CASSVILLE SADDLERY COMPANY, 'Successor to W.

X. Martin. Shop at the old Fruit house, corner of Main and Hickory streets, CASSVILLE, MISSOURI- N. E. JACQUES G)R0.

he We carry a full line of- Staple and Fancy Groceries. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. SSsT'Goods delivered free to all parta of the city. Give us a call and we will GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Leading Grocers of the city.

1 I i SAYE DOLLARS I A TWV fVm- a "mm 3- low prices. TiicICKk talk for themselves. "'fl Pony's being beautiful Roll-top Office Desks. They are manufactured and sold at astonishingly You can buy them for a very little cro.v. RICimOXD, U.

S. A. fed.

Cassville Republican from Cassville, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.