Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (2024)



Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (1)

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トップ Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (23) ソース一覧 Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (24)

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    • Web source code
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      • Enterprise App and Websystem
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      • IoTハードウェア
      • IoTコード

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// } // });

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    Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (46)Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (47)Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (48)Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (49)Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (50)Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (51)







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    Buy and Sell Script Codes, Themes, Templates, Code snippets, App source codes, Plugins & More: PieceX (2024)


    Where can I sell my code? ›

    Where can I sell my programming code? Payhip provides features for you to sell programming codes online for free through your own website. Additionally, you can also sell your programming codes through online marketplaces such as Codester, CodeCanyon, Envato Market, SellMyApp, and more.

    How to sell source code of apps? ›

    It only take a few minutes to set your account and start selling your source code.
    1. ? Lowest fees ever. PieceX fee is always the lowest due to our AI Dynamic Price. ...
    2.  Monetize your source code. Monetize your source code by listing your different apps, plugins and templates. ...
    3.  Close more sells.

    Where can I buy source codes? ›

    Ready-to-use Source Code bought from PieceX helps reduce the overall time and cost of development. PieceX is the best marketplace for selling Source Code, specially with its unique dynamic pricing catered for by PieceX's AI.

    What website pays you for coding? ›

    Try entry-level freelancing

    You can find paying clients on freelancer platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Freelancer marketplaces make it easier to find clients when you're new to coding. However, they take a percentage of your earnings. On Upwork, it's 10% per project, and on Fiverr, it's as much as 20%.

    How do I start coding for money? ›

    Making money from coding can be achieved through web development, game or app development, and freelance programming. Web development involves creating websites, selling plugins and themes, or improving WordPress software.

    How do you price source code? ›

    Treat it like a business

    Selling an app's source code is quite similar to selling a business. Price is calculated using the formula: revenue * 3 + assets. The number three is a supply and demand multiplier.

    Where is the best place to buy app source code? ›

    CodeCanyon (Buy Plugins & Code from CodeCanyon) is a popular marketplace for buying and selling Android app source code. Other options include Chupamobile ( and SellMyApp (Home). It's always a good idea to read reviews and check the reputation of the seller before making a purchase.

    Is it legal to use source code? ›

    Source code is considered a "literary work" under copyright law. This means the creator automatically obtains copyright protection over their source code as soon as it is written down in a fixed, tangible form.

    How much is a coder worth? ›

    Average Computer Programmer Salary: How Much Can I Make?
    Average salary
    StatePer hourPer year
    46 more rows

    Can you sell digital codes? ›

    By using a digital download service like SendOwl, which means that you can sell codes from your own website, blog, using a sales description page, or pretty much anywhere you can paste a link. The main advantage of using a digital delivery company is that delivery of codes is fast and automated.

    Can source code be sold? ›

    Yes, seller must legal right sell source code, agreement comply Intellectual Property Rights laws contract law. 4. Can the buyer modify the source code after the sale? It depends terms agreement.

    How valuable is coding? ›

    Coding Improves Problem Solving Skills

    Coding teaches you how to think. During the coding process, you need to give a solution to an issue that involves intensive problem-solving skills. It trains your brain to think deeply, identify the troubles, and break things up, then put the pieces together with a solution.


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    Article information

    Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5905

    Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

    Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1997-03-23

    Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

    Phone: +13408645881558

    Job: Global Representative

    Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

    Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.