Absurd Truth: Ovary The Top (2024)

Dana Lashes of Sir Truth Podcast sponsored by Kel-Tec. It's his life mission to make bad decisions.

It's time for Florida Man. All right, so first up, a passenger tracked missing luggage to the home of an airport store worker who's now charged with felony theft. According to the affidavit in the case, Junior Bazile of Fort Lauderdale, 29, was charged. The victim left the airport on a Spirit Airlines flight. The airline canceled the flight, told the passengers they could get their luggage at the terminal. But apparently, she waited two hours for her pink roller bag. It had her Apple MacBook, her iPad, her iPad, her phone, and her phone. Her Apple Watch, all this other stuff. It never came on the luggage belt. And they said that her luggage had been sent to her house, but it never arrived. And then she had her own electronic tracker. So she pinged the items inside the bag, she located them, she found them, tracked them down, and all of them. She actually called 911 and went to his house. But here's the other thing, don't put your stuff in your suitcase.

Keep it in your carry-on. The matter with you. Stop it. A Delray Beach man is accused of attacking his wife over a child's haircut. He was apparently upset. Drew Wertheimer, 34, was arrested, charged with false imprisonment of an adult, aggravated battery, aggravated assault, oh, with a firearm. Well, goodness, temper, tampering with a witness, depriving someone the use of 911.

I did not even know that was a charge. He got upset because his children's haircuts were not short like the other ones, one of the kids, and so he just lost his mind. Sounds like he's got problems.

It also sounds like maybe she should have had that many kids with that guy because he's probably not the best. Our friends that help make awesome boom sticks. It's our friends over at Keltec Florida Company. George Kellgren, he immigrated over to the United States from Sweden, founded this amazing firearms company, and he is such an innovator.

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Tell them Dana sent you. Ah, do I want to get into this? I mean, we just talked about it, really. This is a British, it's Ovarian Cancer UK. This is what they tweeted. Quote, Did you know that anyone with ovaries, regardless of gender identity, can be at risk for ovarian cancer? Let's raise awareness by asking, can men get ovarian cancer?

And then they answer their own question. Anyone with ovaries, regardless of gender identity, can be at risk of ovarian cancer. Additionally, all genders can carry a BRCA gene fault or Lynch syndrome, which would potentially mean their children would be at a higher risk of ovarian cancer. Get your ovaries checked, dude. I want to call my doctor right now. We should do this live. Take some balls to go get your ovaries checked.

We should do this live. Call my doctor and set that appointment up. Yes, I'm here to get my ovaries checked. I don't know how you would, how that would work.

I don't know. You should get your pap smeared, too. Go on and get that pap smeared.

Something I want to pay for. Oh, my gosh, dude. I mean, my first thought is you people are morons. And this is not science. My second thought is, this is so insufferably disgusting and insulting. Again, it provokes one to violence.

You're diminishing cancer, specifically ovarian cancer. And clearly the person who tweeted this has never had to live in fear of their own body turning on them and betraying them. They've never had to live with that fear. They've never had to go to sleep at night knowing that their body was working against them while they slept. They've never had that fear. They've never had to worry about that. They've never had to worry about children, having children, their nothing.

Not anyone who has ever had to worry about that would never say something like this. It is such a diminishment. It doesn't do anything to increase awareness. It doesn't do anything to encourage more women to get checked.

It doesn't do anything like that. It's cultish virtue signaling. It's not even a virtue. It's sin signaling.

It's insufferable. Men do not have ovaries. Thus they don't get ovary ailments. Men don't have uteruses and they don't have cervixes and they don't have ovaries.

They don't have any of those things. Women have those things. Don't pretend to be in health care or medicine if you can't acknowledge basic biological fact. Stop making everyone try to accommodate your mental illness. Stop trying to force people into validating a mentally ill person's fantasy self perception. I can't deal with it. I'm done with it. And it's dangerous to women's health to do this.

This is dangerous to women's health to do this. It is. And it's completely fair to say that. We got an email the other day. Steve forwarded it over.

I'm not going to say the name of the guy or anything like that because he wasn't being a jerk or anything of that sort. But I feel like he's a dad who's torn. Because he wrote, he says, I love your radio show, and have been a faithful listener. However, I wish you would leave the gay community criticism out of your show comments.

He says my son is gay and is having a rough time dealing with us. I appreciate your conservative positions, but wish you would leave the moral issues alone. He says I'm sure you can easily disregard my comments as I'm only one voice, but I wish you would consider this thought.

Thank you. Well, clearly, he's also struggling with this as a father, too. I don't know what he means about gay community criticism. What specifically, I'm wondering, is he hinting at? When we talked about the rainbow stuff on everything, because that's a complaint that comes from the gay community. And it's just cringe.

You don't need what does that complete S&P 500 rainbow all the things have to do with that. And by the way, moral positions are part of my commentary. They always have been. But to talk about the trans issues, I wouldn't constitute that to be part of any community. And I just gave you an example of why it's dangerous. It's incredibly dangerous to have men who cosplay as women, and then they demand that the medical community adopt their self perception and affirm what their what they see themselves as their fantasy affirm that and make that literally apart, try to retcon it and make it a part of science.

You see how dangerous this becomes when it starts to affect how care is approached. Now, I think if your child is having a tough time dealing with this, what I'm going to say might be unpopular, and it might be considered tough love. But I look at it like this. First off, it's not my job as commentator to make you feel better about whatever you're going with with your with your child.

There are a lot of other people out there. And if it's an issue of the day, I talk about it. And I have every right to talk about it. I'm a parent, I'm a woman, I'm a mother. I have every right to talk about it just as anybody else does. But the other thing, too, is raise tougher kids. If you think it's bad that I am actually just merely clinically discussing these issues on air, the world is a scary place, my friend. And you can't shield your children forever.

Ships were not made to stay in the harbor. Raise and build tough kids to deal with this stuff. That's how you equip them. That's how you strengthen them. That's where empowerment comes from. It doesn't come from accommodating weakness.

Power comes from making someone stronger, making them react with strength to weakness. So I think that the gentleman who wrote I think you need to kind of realign your thinking on this. And again, I always joke with people. I'm not I'm not Dora the Explorer. I'm not here to raise your kids. We're here to hang out and talk smack and have a nice time and learn some stuff and go through the issues of the day.

Build tough kids, because we are in hard times. It's time for Dana's quick five. Never been happier to not be in New York because now flying venomous spiders the size of a human hand. No. Oh, gosh, no.

They're going to fly, literally fly into New York. It's called what is it? The your your spider. It's an invasive species that hey, guess where it originated?

China. Now they're sending us spiders. We had a virus balloons and no spiders.

Geez, it's like the stupid plagues. They can fly up to 100 miles by turning their webs into makeshift parasails like kamas. And they're venomous but they but scientists insist that the your spiders venom is sweet guys and the skin is not strong enough to break the skin of humans or pets. Did you test this yourselves?

You tested it yourselves? They're known to cannibalize the brown colored male mates. Oh, great. So they're feminists.

Great. We got a bunch of bitchy spiders. They're gonna be flying in the wind and and they're I don't like brightly colored things that are insects. Because I Yeah, it means bad.

It means no, like run, run. No, I would much rather battle like a monster. A big one, then like a little bird. Brightly colored insect. Because they can get your brains and eat your brain up. I don't know.

I just can't deal with it. Just let's go to set New York on fire now, guys. Let's see Dr. Pat Sajak is leaving. I don't think that you can have anybody replace Pat Sajak and Vanna White.

They should not be allowed to leave and if they have to leave, then just don't just the show needs to be over then that's it. A 15 year old is going to make a PGA tour to view after the success on corn fairy tour. A 15 year old in the PGA. I mentioned this one yesterday, but we ran out of time. This is in Palo Alto, the elderly donkey called Perry that inspired Eddie Murphy's character and Shrek was given a $10,000 government grant to help pay for his care. Like nobody could adopt him. I mean, I would take a donkey. I totally adopted donkey to have, you know, they're jerks, but, you know, so am I.

So it works out, we'd get along. While this has been happening, you know, we had the president who went over there and spoke and it was like, I think it was a really embarrassing moment. And then it looked like he was crouching down to take a deuce. And my thought was, well, Dark Brandon can drop a deuce where he wants to, I guess, you know, that's part of being Dark Brandon. Right? Isn't that? Hey, they wanted the meme. The left thought they were going to be funny with the meme. Yeah, deuce Brandon drops it where he wants to drop it while it's hot, man.

Just saying. What was that? What was he, was he, I mean, I'm trying to be, he wasn't even, at first I thought maybe he's trying to reach something on his leg. No, he was reaching back behind him.

Like he was looking for something to sit down on. There was a chair there. No, it was way far behind him. The chair was not right behind him. It was pretty far back. There was, he was not, there were no chairs there. He was trying to sit down before he was supposed to.

It was pretty far back. It's in the line with all the other guys though. You see how far back those chairs are? When you watch him actually sit down, the chair is right there.

So watch, if this goes all the way through, here he goes. He's about to sit and she's like, wait, it's not time to sit yet. And then he's like, huh? And then they start sitting.

Oh, so the video stops there? The chair's a little further back though from that. Like they had to step back to sit down there.

Someone was saying it was the, what is it? Spatial awareness? People were saying, well, the chair was further back from him than it looks. And he was dealing with spatial awareness.

And that's a sign of he's too old and not mentally agile enough to be president. All I, I'm just going to go with, he was going to drop a deuce. I'm going with it. That's where we're going.

We're, we're, we're going with it. But man, it was just a, not a good, not a good, uh, you know, I will say this, at least he didn't challenge the remaining vets to a fight. He didn't. Cause he asked one reporter who was asking him questions, if he got dropped on his head and then he challenged another reporter to a fight, at least, you know, he didn't challenge the other vets to a fight. The vets look shocked. I don't know if you can see some of the faces behind him, but they, it, uh, yeah, it didn't look too great.

It didn't look too good. And then Biden was caught. Lorraine knows that Biden was caught sleeping during the ceremony. How much do you want to bet that he says he was in prayer? You know that man don't pray.

Stop it. Or he's going to do what my mom and grandma used to say. I'm resting my eyes. How many all grew up with parents or grandparents would be like, I'm gonna rest my eyes. And I'm like, that's called sleeping. There's no like I resting. You don't just that's sleeping. If you close your eyes and they stay closed, you're sleeping. There's no resting your eyes. But he sat there and then Jill was like leaning into him.

And I swear to you, it was like she was trying to like surreptitiously nudge him to where he couldn't see. In the meantime, his son's been in court. Still. Oh, man, it's such a mess. This is such a mess. So while the his mumble mouth, Marvel's dad was speaking Hunter Biden was in court. And he was I can't even I have stories of like what because he's he's there with his insta wife, insta influencer wife, you got baby mamas, exes. And then they had more stuff about the laptop. You know, the laptop that everyone said was Russian disinformation that's now been confirmed and as we knew it wasn't the start. And it's part of the trove of evidence against him. It's and then Hallie.

Hang on. Hallie was I know we got to move Hallie. That's was the sister in law. Kathleen's the wife. Hallie's the sister in law. Now suddenly she can't. Lori said she could remember anything when she got on the stand. Couldn't all of a sudden our memories so hazy.

She's gonna rest her eyes. Thanks for tuning in to today's edition of Dana Lashes absurd truth podcast. If you haven't already made sure to hit that subscribe button on Apple podcast, Spotify or wherever you get your podcast.

Absurd Truth: Ovary The Top (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.